I have written a binary search algorithm with two modules as shown below. Both modules appear to parse and the BinarySearch seems to translate without errors. \* BEGIN TRANSLATION …. …. …. Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_vars(Next) Termination == <>(pc = "Done") \* END TRANSLATION However, when selecting TLC-Model-Checker —> new Module, the No Behaviour-Spec button is selected, and the Temporal Formula button cannot be selected for Spec. So I cannot check the model. This has not happened with other algorithms so I am wondering what I did wrong? (Also, any help on writing the specifications for this algorithm would be appreciated). Thanks Jonathan =============== ![]() ------------------------ MODULE BinarySearchContext ------------------------ EXTENDS Sequences, Integers IsSorted(s) == \A i,j \in DOMAIN s: i <= j => s[i] <= s[j] SortedSeq(s) == { seq \in Seq(s) : IsSorted(seq) } Range(f) == { f[x] : x \in DOMAIN f } SortedSeqN(s,N) == UNION { { seq \in [ 1..n -> s ] : IsSorted(seq) } : n \in 1..N } N == 7 Vals == 0..N+1 SmallSortedS == { seq \in SortedSeqN(1..N,N) : seq[1] = 1 } ============================================================================= PlusCal options (-termination) ---------------------------- MODULE BinarySearch ---------------------------- EXTENDS BinarySearchContext, Integers, TLC (*************************************************************************** --algorithm BinarySearch variables f \in SmallSortedS , v \in Vals \* target , p = 1, q = Len(f) , mid = -2 , r = 0 , found = FALSE begin if v <= f[q] then while p <= q and ~found do mid := (p+q) \div 2; if v = f[mid] then r := mid[f]; found := TRUE; elsif v > f[mid] then p := mid + 1 else q := mid - 1 end if; end while; end if; print v; assert (v \in Range(f) => r \in DOMAIN f /\ f[r] = v) ; assert (r = 0 <=> ~ v \in Range(f)) ; end algorithm ***************************************************************************) |