On 10 October I asked members of the group to let me know whether or
not they were interested in a TLA+ workshop. I received 6 responses,
which I have summarized below. The small number of responses suggests
- While I would like to hear experiences from other TLA+ users, I am
mostly interested in updates to TLA+, both in research and in
changes to the tools and additions to the language.
- Our group is very much interested in attending a TLA+ workshop...
It would be really great to hear case studies from industry, in
which case the location should be closer to the industry people--
for instance, at the NASA Formal Methods meeting.
- While I would not be able to attend, I'd be interested in watching
a live stream.
- My group would be interested. Anywhere near New York City would
be convenient, but a major conference like PODC or CAV in the US
would be nice too.
- I would attend a TLA+ workshop, and possibly also bring a few
(2-3) colleagues, if it was in the US or continental Europe
(rather than Cyprus).
- Definitely want to attend. Somewhere in Europe will be more
convenient than the US.