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[tlaplus] ToolBox GraphViz encountered problem after cleaning .tlaplus folder

Hi Tlaplus Google Group,

I need help. I used to generate state graph in the ToolBox but when my ToolBox hanged up and I cleared the content of the .tlaplus folder so the ToolBox can run again, I noticed I am getting 'Generating State Graph Visualization...' has encountered a problem.

Below the details:

Errors occurred while running Graphviz
dot.exe/dot not found in PATH. Please install it from graphviz.org, update the PATH or specify the absolute path in the preferences.
dot input was:
strict digraph DiskGraph {
node [shape=box,style=rounded]
edge [colorscheme="paired12"]
subgraph cluster_graph {
8011758163756806917 [label="/\\ pcie_vph = 0\n/\\ hsstp_vph = 0\n/\\ postDPS2Entry = FALSE\n/\\ vcc_1v8_aon = 0\n/\\ pcie_vp = 0\n/\\ vddq_nand = 0\n/\\ aon_vdd = 0\n/\\ hsstp_vp = 0\n/\\ core_vdd = 0\n/\\ fphy_vdd = 0\n/\\ pmic_reset = 0",style = filled]
8011758163756806917 -> 576866175578947521 [label="",color="2",fontcolor="2"];
576866175578947521 [label="/\\ pcie_vph = 1\n/\\ hsstp_vph = 1\n/\\ postDPS2Entry = FALSE\n/\\ vcc_1v8_aon = 1\n/\\ pcie_vp = 1\n/\\ vddq_nand = 1\n/\\ aon_vdd = 1\n/\\ hsstp_vp = 1\n/\\ core_vdd = 1\n/\\ fphy_vdd = 1\n/\\ pmic_reset = 1"];
576866175578947521 -> 5717618517093494699 [label="",color="3",fontcolor="3"];
5717618517093494699 [label="/\\ pcie_vph = 1\n/\\ hsstp_vph = 0\n/\\ postDPS2Entry = TRUE\n/\\ vcc_1v8_aon = 1\n/\\ pcie_vp = 0\n/\\ vddq_nand = 0\n/\\ aon_vdd = 1\n/\\ hsstp_vp = 0\n/\\ core_vdd = 0\n/\\ fphy_vdd ... (3591 chars omitted)

I appreciate the help,


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