Your problem is that <>[]IsCountCorrect says that eventually, the count is correct and never becomes incorrect again. What you actually want is []<>IsCountCorrect: the count, if incorrect, will always become correct again. Making this change (and removing seq) makes the spec pass.
I found what to do for this simple model. Added a definition,--
IsCountCorrect == (count = Cardinality(elements))
In the model I set the temporal property as `<>[]IsCountCorrect`. With this, the temporal check seems to work. Removing the Tick, ensures it works as well. I believe this correct.
Now, extending the model to Remove, breaks the model.
Remove == /\ \E e \in elements:
/\ elements' = elements \ {e}
/\ dirty' = 1
/\ UNCHANGED count
Next == Add \/ REMOVE \/ Tick
Now, the temporal property is violated, because, removing an element puts it back to an existing state, so the state is deduplicated and Tick will not run in this case.
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 1,
name |-> "Initial predicate",
location |-> "Unknown location"
count |-> 0,
dirty |-> 0,
elements |-> {}
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 2,
name |-> "Add",
location |-> "line 15, col 8 to line 20, col 32 of module EventualCounter"
count |-> 0,
dirty |-> 1,
elements |-> {2}
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 3,
name |-> "Remove",
location |-> "line 22, col 11 to line 26, col 32 of module EventualCounter"
count |-> 0,
dirty |-> 1,
elements |-> {}
---I tried adding a seq number that keeps incrementing with Add/Remove explodes the state space and the model checker goes on for ever without ever stopping.
---So I tried resetting seq after a Tick. And still get a similar error.
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 1,
name |-> "Initial predicate",
location |-> "Unknown location"
count |-> 0,
dirty |-> 0,
elements |-> {},
seq |-> 0
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 2,
name |-> "Add",
location |-> "line 15, col 8 to line 20, col 32 of module EventualCounter"
count |-> 0,
dirty |-> 1,
elements |-> {3},
seq |-> 1
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 3,
name |-> "Tick",
location |-> "line 28, col 9 to line 31, col 29 of module EventualCounter"
count |-> 1,
dirty |-> 0,
elements |-> {3},
seq |-> 0
_TEAction |-> [
position |-> 4,
name |-> "Remove",
location |-> "line 22, col 11 to line 26, col 32 of module EventualCounter"
count |-> 1,
dirty |-> 1,
elements |-> {},
seq |-> 1
The corresponding full code is,
-------------------------- MODULE EventualCounter --------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals,FiniteSets
VARIABLES elements, count, dirty, seq
vars == <<elements, count, dirty, seq>>
Init == /\ elements = {}
/\ count = 0
/\ dirty = 0
/\ seq = 0
Add == /\ \E e \in 1..MAX_ELEMENTS:
/\ e \notin elements
/\ elements' = elements \union {e}
/\ dirty' = 1
/\ seq' = seq + 1
/\ UNCHANGED count
Remove == /\ \E e \in elements:
/\ elements' = elements \ {e}
/\ dirty' = 1
/\ seq' = seq + 1
/\ UNCHANGED count
Tick == /\ count' = Cardinality(elements)
/\ dirty' = 0
/\ seq' = 0
/\ UNCHANGED elements
IsCountCorrect == (count = Cardinality(elements))
ConsistencyInvariant == \/ dirty = 1
\/ IsCountCorrect
EventualConsistencyInvariant == IsCountCorrect
Change == Add \/ Remove
Next == Change \/ Tick
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ SF_vars(Tick)
How do I resolve this?
--On Thursday, January 5, 2023 at 2:32:22 PM UTC-8 jayaprabhakar k wrote:
Hi,I am new to TLA+. I am trying to design a simple eventually consistent counter.
Elements are added to a set. It could optionally, increment the counter. To ensure, the count becomes eventually consistent, there will be a separate ticker that periodically update the count.
-------------------------- MODULE EventualCounter --------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals,FiniteSets
VARIABLES elements, count, dirty
vars == <<elements, count, dirty>>
Init == /\ elements = {}
/\ count = 0
/\ dirty = 0
Add == /\ \E e \in 1..MAX_ELEMENTS:
/\ e \notin elements
/\ elements' = elements \union {e}
/\ dirty' = 1
/\ \/ count' = count + 1
\/ UNCHANGED count
Tick == /\ count' = Cardinality(elements)
/\ dirty' = 0
/\ UNCHANGED elements
ConsistencyInvariant == \/ dirty = 1
\/ (count = Cardinality(elements))
Next == \/ Add
\/ Tick
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_vars(Next)=============================================================================
How do I add an invariant or temporal property that confirms the count will be eventually consistent with the real count?
If I simply add count = Cardinality(elements), that would fail after each Add/Insert. To pass the invariant, I added a dirty bit. But the, in this case, even if the Tick is never triggered, the invariant will pass.
What should I do to prove or verify, the count will be eventually consistent?
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