IsCountCorrect == (count = Cardinality(elements))
In the model I set the temporal property as `<>[]IsCountCorrect`. With this, the temporal check seems to work. Removing the Tick, ensures it works as well. I believe this correct.Remove == /\ \E e \in elements:
/\ elements' = elements \ {e}
/\ dirty' = 1
/\ UNCHANGED count
Next == Add \/ REMOVE \/ Tick
-------------------------- MODULE EventualCounter --------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals,FiniteSets
VARIABLES elements, count, dirty, seq
vars == <<elements, count, dirty, seq>>
Init == /\ elements = {}
/\ count = 0
/\ dirty = 0
/\ seq = 0
Add == /\ \E e \in 1..MAX_ELEMENTS:
/\ e \notin elements
/\ elements' = elements \union {e}
/\ dirty' = 1
/\ seq' = seq + 1
/\ UNCHANGED count
Remove == /\ \E e \in elements:
/\ elements' = elements \ {e}
/\ dirty' = 1
/\ seq' = seq + 1
/\ UNCHANGED count
Tick == /\ count' = Cardinality(elements)
/\ dirty' = 0
/\ seq' = 0
/\ UNCHANGED elements
IsCountCorrect == (count = Cardinality(elements))
ConsistencyInvariant == \/ dirty = 1
\/ IsCountCorrect
EventualConsistencyInvariant == IsCountCorrect
Change == Add \/ Remove
Next == Change \/ Tick
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ SF_vars(Tick)
Hi,I am new to TLA+. I am trying to design a simple eventually consistent counter.Elements are added to a set. It could optionally, increment the counter. To ensure, the count becomes eventually consistent, there will be a separate ticker that periodically update the count.-------------------------- MODULE EventualCounter --------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals,FiniteSets
VARIABLES elements, count, dirty
vars == <<elements, count, dirty>>
Init == /\ elements = {}
/\ count = 0
/\ dirty = 0
Add == /\ \E e \in 1..MAX_ELEMENTS:
/\ e \notin elements
/\ elements' = elements \union {e}
/\ dirty' = 1
/\ \/ count' = count + 1
\/ UNCHANGED count
Tick == /\ count' = Cardinality(elements)
/\ dirty' = 0
/\ UNCHANGED elements
ConsistencyInvariant == \/ dirty = 1
\/ (count = Cardinality(elements))
Next == \/ Add
\/ Tick
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_vars(Next)=============================================================================
How do I add an invariant or temporal property that confirms the count will be eventually consistent with the real count?If I simply add count = Cardinality(elements), that would fail after each Add/Insert. To pass the invariant, I added a dirty bit. But the, in this case, even if the Tick is never triggered, the invariant will pass.What should I do to prove or verify, the count will be eventually consistent?