\A x,y \in {TRUE, FALSE} : ~xor[x,y] => x=y
<1> TAKE x,y \in {TRUE, FALSE}
<1>1 CASE x=FALSE /\ y=FALSE
<2>1 ~xor[x,y] = TRUE BY DEF xor
<2>2 QED BY <2>1
<1>2 x=FALSE /\ y=TRUE
<2>3 ~xor[x,y] = FALSE BY DEF xor
<2>4 QED BY <2>3
<1>3 x=TRUE /\ y=FALSE
<2>5 ~xor[x,y] = FALSE BY DEF xor
<2>6 QED BY <2>5
<1>4 x=TRUE /\ y=TRUE
<2>7 ~xor[x,y] = TRUE BY DEF xor
<2>8 QED BY <2>7
<1>5 QED BY <1>1, <1>2, <1>3, <1>4
Hello,first of all, please do not send screen shots unless you want to illustrate some behavior of the GUI: TLA+ source is pure ASCII and can be copied and pasted into messages.Since you apply Boolean operations to the elements of your bit vectors, you want to change the co-domain from {0,1} to {TRUE, FALSE}. After that change, TLC can easily evaluate your formula. In my version below, I made xor and cmp_bv4 plain operators rather than definitions of functions (which you get with your version using square brackets). This should not make a difference, but I consider this style to be more idiomatic. (See also section 6.4 of Specifying Systems.) I also strengthened the assertion of your theorem to make it an equivalence and to assert equality of the two bit vectors.BV4 == [0..3 -> {TRUE, FALSE}]
xor(b0, b1) == (b0 /\ ~ b1) \/ (~ b0 /\ b1)
cmp_bv4(bv0, bv1) ==
/\ ~ xor(bv0[0], bv1[0])
/\ ~ xor(bv0[1], bv1[1])
/\ ~ xor(bv0[2], bv1[2])
/\ ~ xor(bv0[3], bv1[3])
\A x,y \in BV4 : cmp_bv4(x,y) <=> x = yNow, create a model in the Toolbox and click on "evaluate constant _expression_". Paste the assertion of the theorem, i.e., the formula\A x,y \in BV4 : cmp_bv4(x,y) <=> x = yinto the "_expression_" field of the window and click on the green triangle. TLC will report that the _expression_ evaluates to TRUE.StephanOn 6 Nov 2022, at 06:57, Amjad Ali <amjad.h...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:I want to prove cmp_bv4 for all 4-bit binary numbers is correct. As seen below, a binary value of 4 bits is represented as a set of functions with domain 0-3 and range 0 and 1. Then, an xor function with domain 0 and 1 that outputs 0 if the two inputs match (or 1 other, otherwise). Finally, cmp_bv4 takes in two 4-bit binary numbers and uses the xor function to determine if the values match. Why do this and not just use (=) ? In the machine I'm building, a comparator is not available and I need to build one from scratch.<Screen Shot 2022-11-06 at 12.43.42 AM.png>--
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