IMO needing to put fairness on a non-deterministic decision is one of the points where you should be considering switching to TLA+ over using PlusCal.
On 7/6/2021 1:34 AM, Stephan Merz wrote:
requiring strong fairness for the branch1 action won't help because the non-deterministic decision of which branch to enter is taken earlier (at the "either" statement labeled "example"). This is one of the cases where the intended fairness condition has to be expressed in TLA+. You probably want to write something like
/\ SF_vars(example /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["test"] = "branch1"])/\ SF_vars(example /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["test"] = "branch2"])
in order to express that both branches will be taken infinitely often if execution arrives infinitely often at the "either" statement.
Hope this helps,Stephan--
On 1 Jul 2021, at 14:53, <> wrote:
Hi all, i don't know how to use the either statement in pluscal with fairness condition on the options of the either or statement. I have tried the following example with a label for each option of the statement but it doesn't seems to work:
begin example:
while TRUE do
set := {1};
set := {2};
end either;
end while;
and the formula prop2 == <>(set={1}) doesn't hold true, the system cycle over all branch2 options. I have tried to add the fairness in the tla translated specification putting an /\ SF_vars(branch1) but the problem persists, here is the tla+ translation from pluscal:
(* define statement *)
prop2 == <>(set={1})
vars == << set, pc >>
ProcSet == {"test"}
Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ set = {}
/\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> "example"]
example == /\ pc["test"] = "example"
/\ \/ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["test"] = "branch1"]
\/ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["test"] = "branch2"]
/\ set' = set
later == /\ pc["test"] = "later"
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["test"] = "example"]
/\ set' = set
branch1 == /\ pc["test"] = "branch1"
/\ set' = {1}
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["test"] = "later"]
branch2 == /\ pc["test"] = "branch2"
/\ set' = {2}
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT !["test"] = "later"]
test == example \/ later \/ branch1 \/ branch2
Next == test
Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(Next)
/\ SF_vars(test)
/\ SF_vars(branch1)
someone can help? thanks
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