Iam trying to learn how to run a spec in cloud based distributed mode.
So I config TLC to inter-operate with Azure according to the user Help.
---------------------- MODULE MissionariesAndCannibals ----------------------
(* This module specifies a system that models the one described in the *)
(* missionaries and cannibals problem. On 20 December 2018, Wikipedia *)
(* contained the following description of this problem. *)
(* *)
(* [T]hree missionaries and three cannibals must cross a river using *)
(* a boat which can carry at most two people, under the constraint *)
(* that, for both banks, if there are missionaries present on the *)
(* bank, they cannot be outnumbered by cannibals (if they were, the *)
(* cannibals would eat the missionaries). The boat cannot cross the *)
(* river by itself with no people on board. *)
(* *)
(* As explained below, we can use the specification and the TLC model *)
(* checker to find a solution to the problem. *)
(* The following EXTENDS statement imports definitions of the ordinary *)
(* arithmetic operations on integers and the definition of the Cardinality *)
(* operator, where Cardinality(S) is the number of elements in S if S is a *)
(* finite set. *)
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets
(* Next comes the declaration of the sets of missionaries and cannibals. *)
CONSTANTS Missionaries, Cannibals
(* In TLA+, an execution of a system is described as a sequence of states, *)
(* where a state is an assignment of values to variables. A pair of *)
(* successive states in an execution is called a step. We write s -> t to *)
(* indicate that s, t is a step in an execution. *)
(* *)
(* The first thing to do when writing a spec of a system is to decide what *)
(* should constitute a step. There are a number of ways to describe the *)
(* cannibals and missionaries that differ in what constitutes a step. For *)
(* example, we could consider a single person getting into or out of the *)
(* boat to be a step. Breaking the execution into many small steps gives *)
(* a more accurate description of the physical system, but using fewer big *)
(* steps provides a simpler spec. We write a spec for a purpose, and we *)
(* want to use the fewest steps that gives a sufficiently accurate *)
(* description for that purpose. Our purpose is to find a solution to the *)
(* cannibals and missionaries problem. A little thought shows that this *)
(* can be done by a specification in which a step consists of moving a set *)
(* of people with the boat from one bank to the other. *)
(* *)
(* Having decided what a step is, we can see that a state of the system *)
(* must describe on which bank the boat is and what people are on each *)
(* bank. What I find to be a simple and natural way to describe that *)
(* state is with the following two variables: *)
(* *)
(* bank_of_boat: In any system execution, bank_of_boat will equal *)
(* the bank of the river on which the boat is docked. *)
(* *)
(* who_is_on_bank: In any execution of the system, the value of *)
(* who_is_on_bank[b] will be the set of people *)
(* on bank b. *)
(* *)
(* Although we could declare a constant Banks to be the set of riverbanks, *)
(* it's more convenient to simply give them names. Let's call them "E" *)
(* (for east bank) and "W" (for west bank), so {"E","W"} is the set of *)
(* riverbanks. *)
VARIABLES bank_of_boat, who_is_on_bank
(* Although not needed to specify the system, it's a good idea to tell the *)
(* reader of the spec the types of values that the variables will have in *)
(* any reachable state of the system. This is conventionally done by *)
(* defining a state predicate called TypeOK. *)
(* *)
(* The value of bank_of_boat will be either "E" or "W" -- that is, an *)
(* element of the set {"E","W"}. (The operator \in means "is an element *)
(* of", and is written by mathematicians as a Greek epsilon.) *)
(* *)
(* The value of who_is_on_bank will be what programmers would call an *)
(* array indexed by the set {"E","W"}, and what mathematicians would call *)
(* a function with domain {"E","W"}. (Many common primitive programming *)
(* languages permit only arrays with index-set/domain the set *)
(* {0, ... , n} for some integer n.) For each b in {"E","W"}, the value *)
(* of who_is_on_bank[b] will be a set of cannibals and/or missionaries -- *)
(* that is, an element of the set Cannibals \cup Missionaries, where \cup *)
(* is the set union operator. The _expression_ SUBSET S is the set of all *)
(* subsets of the set S, and [D -> T] is the set of all arrays/functions *)
(* with index-set/domain D such that f[d] is an element of T for all d *)
(* in D. *)
(* *)
(* TLA+ allows you to write a conjunction of formulas as a list of those *)
(* formulas bulleted by /\. A disjunction of formulas is similarly *)
(* written with a list bulleted by \/. *)
TypeOK == /\ bank_of_boat \in {"E","W"}
/\ who_is_on_bank \in
[{"E","W"} -> SUBSET (Cannibals \cup Missionaries)]
(* The possible executions of the system are specified by two formulas: an *)
(* initial-state formula usually named Init, and a next-state formula *)
(* usually named Next. The intial-state formula is the condition that *)
(* must be true of the initial state of an execution. The next-state *)
(* formula is the condition that must be true for all possible steps in an *)
(* execution. *)
(* *)
(* The initial-state formula Init asserts that the boat and all the *)
(* cannibals and missionaries are on the east bank. The formula *)
(* *)
(* [x \in D |-> exp(x)] *)
(* *)
(* represents the array/function F with index-set/domain D such that F[x] *)
(* equals exp(x) for all x in D. *)
Init == /\ bank_of_boat = "E"
/\ who_is_on_bank = [i \in {"E","W"} |->
IF i = "E" THEN Cannibals \cup Missionaries
ELSE {} ]
(* We now define some operators that will be used to define the next-state *)
(* formula Next. *)
(* *)
(* We first define IsSafe(S) to be the condition for it to be safe for S *)
(* to be the set of people on a bank of the river. It is true iff there *)
(* are either no missionaries in S or the cannibals in do not outnumber *)
(* the missionaries in S. The operator \subseteq is the subset relation, *)
(* and \cap is the set intersection operator. *)
IsSafe(S) == \/ S \subseteq Cannibals
\/ Cardinality(S \cap Cannibals) =< Cardinality(S \cap Missionaries)
(* We define OtherBank so that OtherBank("E") equals "W" and *)
(* OtherBank("W") equals "E". *)
OtherBank(b) == IF b = "E" THEN "W" ELSE "E"
(* We now define the formula Move(S,b) to describe a step s -> t that *)
(* represents a safe move of a set S of people from riverbank b to *)
(* riverbank OtherBank(b) -- that is, a step where state t is one in which *)
(* the set of people on each bank is safe. Formula Move(S) contains *)
(* primed and unprimed variables, where an unprimed variable v equals the *)
(* value of v in state s and a primed variable v' equals the variable's *)
(* value in state t. The possible step s -> t describes a safe move of *)
(* the people in S from b to OtherBank(b) if and only if Move(S,b) equals *)
(* true for that step. *)
(* *)
(* The definition uses the TLA+ LET/IN construct for introducing *)
(* definitions local to an _expression_, where LET defs IN exp is the *)
(* _expression_ exp in which each identifier defined in defs has its *)
(* indicated meaning. In this definition, newThisBank and newOtherBank *)
(* are defined locally to equal the sets of people on bank b and on bank *)
(* OtherBank(b) after the set S of people take the boat from b to *)
(* OtherBank(b). The operator \ is set difference, where T \ S is the set *)
(* of all elements in T not in S. *)
(* *)
(* Observe that the first two conjuncts in the IN _expression_ contain no *)
(* prime variables. They are enabling conditions -- conditions on state s *)
(* that allow the step. The second two conjuncts specify the new values *)
(* of the two variables (their values in state t) in terms of their old *)
(* values (their values in state s). *)
Move(S,b) == /\ Cardinality(S) \in {1,2}
/\ LET newThisBank == who_is_on_bank[b] \ S
newOtherBank == who_is_on_bank[OtherBank(b)] \cup S
IN /\ IsSafe(newThisBank)
/\ IsSafe(newOtherBank)
/\ bank_of_boat' = OtherBank(b)
/\ who_is_on_bank' =
[i \in {"E","W"} |-> IF i = b THEN newThisBank
ELSE newOtherBank]
(* The next-state formula Next describes all steps s -> t that represent a *)
(* safe move of a set S of people across the river starting from *)
(* bank_of_boat. It asserts that there exists some subset S of the set of *)
(* people on the bank where the boat is for which step s -> t describes a *)
(* safe movement of the people in S to the other bank. This assertion is *)
(* expressed mathematically with the existential quantification operator *)
(* \E (written by mathematicians as an upside down E), where *)
(* *)
(* \E x \in T : A(x) *)
(* *)
(* asserts that A(x) is true for at least one value x in the set T. *)
Next == \E S \in SUBSET who_is_on_bank[bank_of_boat] :
Move(S, bank_of_boat)
(* The usual reason for writing a spec is to check the system you're *)
(* specifying for errors. This means checking that all possible *)
(* executions satisfy some property. The most commonly checked property *)
(* is invariance, asserting that some condition is satisfied by every *)
(* state in in every possible execution. *)
(* *)
(* The purpose of this spec is to solve the cannibals and missionaries *)
(* problem, which means finding some possible execution in which everyone *)
(* reaches bank "W". We can find that solution by having the TLC model *)
(* checker check the invariance property that, in every reachable state, *)
(* there is someone left on bank "E". When TLC find that an invariant *)
(* it's checking isn't an invariant, it outputs an execution that reaches *)
(* a state in which the invariant isn't true--which in this case means an *)
(* execution that solves the problem (one ending in a state with no one on *)
(* bank "E"). So to find the solution, you just have to run TLC on a *)
(* model of this specification in which three-element sets are substituted *)
(* for the constants Missionaries and Cannibals, instructing TLC to check *)
(* that the formula *)
(* *)
(* who_is_on_bank["E"] /= {} *)
(* *)
(* is an invariant. The error trace TLC produces is a solution to the *)
(* problem. You can run TLC from the TLA+ Toolbox. Go to the TLA+ web *)
(* page to find out how to learn to do that. *)
(* *)
(* This problem was proposed to me by Jay Misra, who then suggested *)
(* improvements to my first version of the spec. *)
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Sat Dec 22 14:17:18 PST 2018 by lamport
\* Created Thu Dec 20 11:44:08 PST 2018 by lamport