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[tlaplus] Re: TLC reports error (undefined identifier), but it's defined...

Thanks, I see that my first attempt was not math, but an thinly veiled instruction to what TLC ought to do.  I evidently have a lot of programmer quirks to iron out.
Another thing I realized was that my usage of helpers hid the fact that I tried to set the next state of locks twice per action.

The following rewrite works as intended:

OpenWorkspace(u, w) == /\ locks[w] <= 0
                       /\ openWorkspaces' = [openWorkspaces EXCEPT ![u] = openWorkspaces[u] \cup {w}]
                       /\ locks' = [c \in Workspaces |-> IF c = w THEN 10 ELSE locks[c] - 1]

EditWorkspace(u, w) == /\ locks[w] > 0
                       /\ w \in openWorkspaces[u]
                       /\ locks' = [c \in Workspaces |-> IF c = w THEN 10 ELSE locks[c] - 1]
                       /\ UNCHANGED openWorkspaces

CloseWorkspace(u, w) == /\ locks[w] > 0
                        /\ openWorkspaces' = [openWorkspaces EXCEPT ![u] = openWorkspaces[u] \cap {w}]
                        /\ locks' = [c \in Workspaces |-> IF c = w THEN 0 ELSE locks[c] - 1]

Next == \/ \E u \in Users, w \in Workspaces : OpenWorkspace(u, w)
        \/ \E u \in Users, w \in Workspaces : EditWorkspace(u, w)
        \/ \E u \in Users, w \in Workspaces : CloseWorkspace(u, w)

It's a silly and naïve specification, but I'm having a lot of fun playing around with it. :)

On Sunday, February 2, 2020 at 2:35:36 AM UTC+1, Leslie Lamport wrote:
Please look up CHOOSE and see what 

    CHOOSE u \in Users : ...  

means.  Then look up \E and see what 

    \E u \in Users : ...


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