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[tlaplus] INSTANCE into a collection
Assuming that I have a Channel defined like below:
-------------------------- MODULE Channel -----------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences
TypeInvariant == chan \in Seq(Msg)
Init == chan = New
Ready == Len(chan) > 0
Send(msg) == chan' = Append(chan, msg)
Receive == chan' = Tail(chan)
Is it possible to INSTANCE it into a collection of channels,
perhaps like this:
Channels(p) == INSTANCE Channel WITH chan <- channels[p]
I am experimenting with the code below...
I see no way to initialize channels variable using Channels(p)!Init and Channels(p)!Send(...) probably won't work because it only sets channels[p]' not the whole channels' variable.
I feel that it is impossible, but I don't exactly understand why.
Can you explain me what in TLA disallows that ?
My experiments:
-------------------------------- MODULE TlaSandbox --------------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences
VARIABLE channels
Player == {"p1", "p2"}
Msg == {"a", "b"}
Channels(p) == INSTANCE Channel WITH chan <- channels[p]
Init ==
/\ channels = [p \in Player |-> <<>>] \* TODO: Can't use Channels(p)!Init
PlayerSend(self) ==
/\ ~Channels(self)!Ready
/\ Channels(self)!Send("a")
PlayerReceive(self) ==
/\ Channels(self)!Ready
/\ Channels(self)!Receive
Next ==
\E p \in Player:
\/ PlayerSend(p)
\/ PlayerReceive(p)
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