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Re: [tlaplus] Parse Error


difficult to understand what exactly you did since it doesn't look like you included your full TLA+ module, but the parser's error message is pretty explicit: a TLA+ module should start with a line like "---- MODULE Euclid ----". For example, see the code at the bottom of page https://tla.msr-inria.inria.fr/tlaps/content/Documentation/Tutorial/The_example.html.

It looks like you start with the TLA+ proof system without having experimented with other aspects of TLA+, and in particular the model checker. I'd recommend to get started with some elementary specifications, for example by reading the initial chapters of the hyperbook of reproducing the examples presented in Leslie's video lectures.


On 19 Jul 2017, at 08:57, reza parvizi <parvizi....@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Was expecting "----MODULE (beginning of module)"
Encountered "<EOF>" al line 68, column 24 in module Euclid

Residual stack trace follows:
Begin module starting at line 68, column 24.
Module definition starting at line 68, column 24.

-----------This is My Code----------


p | q == \E d \in 1..q : q = p * d
Divisors(q) == {d \in 1..q : d | q}
Maximum(S) == CHOOSE x \in S : \A y \in S : x >= y
GCD(p,q) == Maximum(Divisors(p) \cap Divisors(q))
Number == Nat \ {0}


Init == (x = M) /\ (y = N)

Next == \/ /\ x < y
          /\ y' = y - x
          /\ x' = x
       \/ /\ y < x
          /\ x' = x-y
          /\ y' = y

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<<x,y>>

ResultCorrect == (x = y) => x = GCD(M, N)

InductiveInvariant == /\ x \in Number
                     /\ y \in Number
                     /\ GCD(x, y) = GCD(M, N)

ASSUME NumberAssumption == M \in Number /\ N \in Number

THEOREM InitProperty == Init => InductiveInvariant
 BY NumberAssumption DEF Init, InductiveInvariant

AXIOM GCDProperty1 == \A p \in Number : GCD(p, p) = p
AXIOM GCDProperty2 == \A p, q \in Number : GCD(p, q) = GCD(q, p)
AXIOM GCDProperty3 == \A p, q \in Number : (p < q) => GCD(p, q) = GCD(p, q-p)

THEOREM NextProperty == InductiveInvariant /\ Next => InductiveInvariant'
<1> SUFFICES ASSUME InductiveInvariant, Next
            PROVE  InductiveInvariant'
<1> USE DEF InductiveInvariant, Next
<1>1 (x < y) \/ (y < x)
<1>a CASE x < y
 <2>1 (y - x \in Number) /\ ~(y < x)
   BY <1>a DEF Number
 <2> QED
   BY <1>a, <2>1, GCDProperty3
<1>b CASE y < x
 <2>1 (x - y \in Number) /\ ~(x < y)
   BY <1>b DEF Number
 <2>2 GCD(y', x') = GCD(y, x)
   BY <1>b, <2>1, GCDProperty3
 <2> QED
   BY <1>b, <2>1, <2>2, GCDProperty2
<1>2 QED
 BY <1>1, <1>a, <1>b

THEOREM Correctness == Spec => []ResultCorrect
 <1>1 InductiveInvariant /\ UNCHANGED <<x,y>> => InductiveInvariant'
   BY DEF InductiveInvariant
 <1>2 Spec => []InductiveInvariant
   BY PTL, InitProperty, NextProperty, <1>1 DEF Spec
 <1>3 InductiveInvariant => ResultCorrect
   BY GCDProperty1 DEF InductiveInvariant, ResultCorrect

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