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Re: [tlaplus] Parse Error

Hello Reza,

Each TLA+ Specification must start with

---- MODULE Name ---

when your file is called name.tla (or Name.tla). It must also end with


If I insert these into your file, the proof of Correctness is missing
its QED step. If you add

  <1> QED BY <1>1, <1>2, <1>3, PTL

TLAPS should be able to prove everything.

cheers, Martin

On 07/19/2017 08:57 AM, reza parvizi wrote:
> Was expecting "----MODULE (beginning of module)"
> Encountered "<EOF>" al line 68, column 24 in module Euclid
> Residual stack trace follows:
> Begin module starting at line 68, column 24.
> Module definition starting at line 68, column 24.
> -----------This is My Code----------
> p | q == \E d \in 1..q : q = p * d
> Divisors(q) == {d \in 1..q : d | q}
> Maximum(S) == CHOOSE x \in S : \A y \in S : x >= y
> GCD(p,q) == Maximum(Divisors(p) \cap Divisors(q))
> Number == Nat \ {0}
> Init == (x = M) /\ (y = N)
> Next == \/ /\ x < y
>            /\ y' = y - x
>            /\ x' = x
>         \/ /\ y < x
>            /\ x' = x-y
>            /\ y' = y
> Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<<x,y>>
> ResultCorrect == (x = y) => x = GCD(M, N)
> InductiveInvariant == /\ x \in Number
>                       /\ y \in Number
>                       /\ GCD(x, y) = GCD(M, N)
> ASSUME NumberAssumption == M \in Number /\ N \in Number
> THEOREM InitProperty == Init => InductiveInvariant
>   BY NumberAssumption DEF Init, InductiveInvariant
> AXIOM GCDProperty1 == \A p \in Number : GCD(p, p) = p
> AXIOM GCDProperty2 == \A p, q \in Number : GCD(p, q) = GCD(q, p)
> AXIOM GCDProperty3 == \A p, q \in Number : (p < q) => GCD(p, q) = GCD(p, q-p)
> THEOREM NextProperty == InductiveInvariant /\ Next => InductiveInvariant'
> <1> SUFFICES ASSUME InductiveInvariant, Next
>              PROVE  InductiveInvariant'
> <1> USE DEF InductiveInvariant, Next
> <1>1 (x < y) \/ (y < x)
> <1>a CASE x < y
>   <2>1 (y - x \in Number) /\ ~(y < x)
>     BY <1>a DEF Number
>   <2> QED
>     BY <1>a, <2>1, GCDProperty3
> <1>b CASE y < x
>   <2>1 (x - y \in Number) /\ ~(x < y)
>     BY <1>b DEF Number
>   <2>2 GCD(y', x') = GCD(y, x)
>     BY <1>b, <2>1, GCDProperty3
>   <2> QED
>     BY <1>b, <2>1, <2>2, GCDProperty2
> <1>2 QED
>   BY <1>1, <1>a, <1>b
> THEOREM Correctness == Spec => []ResultCorrect
>   <1>1 InductiveInvariant /\ UNCHANGED <<x,y>> => InductiveInvariant'
>     BY DEF InductiveInvariant
>   <1>2 Spec => []InductiveInvariant
>     BY PTL, InitProperty, NextProperty, <1>1 DEF Spec
>   <1>3 InductiveInvariant => ResultCorrect
>     BY GCDProperty1 DEF InductiveInvariant, ResultCorrect