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[tlaplus] -simulate mode and trace length

Hey. When running -simulate with default -depth 100 on single core mean length is 100 as expected (I think there is always a stuttering step in my spec):

$ java -cp /home/arseny/tla2tools.jar tlc2.TLC MCProposerAcceptorReconfig.tla -config models/MCProposerAcceptorReconfig_p2_a4_sim.cfg -workers 40 -simulate
Progress: 1481792 states checked, 3231 traces generated (trace length: mean=100, var(x)=0, sd=0)

However, with -workers 40 it becomes less:
java -cp /home/arseny/tla2tools.jar tlc2.TLC MCProposerAcceptorReconfig.tla -config models/MCProposerAcceptorReconfig_p2_a4_sim.cfg -workers 40 -simulate
Progress: 41591033 states checked, 90451 traces generated (trace length: mean=34, var(x)=4355, sd=66)

I wonder why?

-- cheers, arseny

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