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[tlaplus] Re: Best way to handle a probabilistic data structure.

I just realized that this might be a malformed question; it probably makes sense to express this in the "next-state" level instead of the operator level.

On Friday, October 18, 2024 at 11:31:46 AM UTC-4 thomas...@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I wanted to simulate something like a Bloom Filter. For those unaware, a Bloom Filter is kind of like a set, but when looking up a value in a set, there's a risk of a false positive, but never a risk of a false negative.

I'm not terribly concerned with the actual implementation of this, so I just wanted to make an operator like "IsInFilter(value, filter)", where filter is actually just a set, and if value is in the set it might return TRUE or FALSE, but if it's not in the set it always returns FALSE.

I'm having a little trouble expressing the non-determinism with this.  My initial implementation was something like this:

IsInSet(value, mySet) ==
    \E result \in {TRUE, FALSE} :
        (value \in mySet => result) /\ (value \notin mySet => FALSE)

But I think the existential quantifier in this case is tautological.  Does anyone have any ideas on the best way of handling this?

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