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[tlaplus] Re: Parsing issues with prime operator in user-defined operators

On Monday, July 8, 2024 at 4:48:54 PM UTC+2 Ugur Y. Yavuz wrote:
Note that we have:

WellFormed(IdxSet)' =
    \A p \in ProcSet :
        CASE pc'[p] = "L0"                        -> TRUE
          [] pc'[p] = "L1" /\ l'[p] in IdxSet     -> TRUE
          [] pc'[p] = "L1" /\ l'[p] \notin IdxSet -> FALSE

Not quite. What you have is:
WellFormed(IdxSet)' =
    \A p \in ProcSet : 
        CASE pc'[p] = "L0"                         -> TRUE
          [] pc'[p] = "L1" /\ l'[p] in IdxSet'     -> TRUE
          [] pc'[p] = "L1" /\ l'[p] \notin IdxSet' -> FALSE

So if you pass an _expression_ with a primed variable for IdxSet you get a double prime, which is forbidden.

You could DEFINE full_indices == {idx \in 0..(L-1) : A[idx] > 0}
and then you get the _expression_ you wanted for WellFormed(full_indices)'

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