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[tlaplus] TLA+ Community Meeting 2024

A TLA+ Community Meeting will be organized as a satellite of FM 2024 (https://www.fm24.polimi.it) in Milano, Italy, on September 10, 2024. It will bring together the community of users of the TLA+ specification language and its associated tools. Talks should present work of interest to users of TLA+ or PlusCal, such as but not limited to:

• Industrial and academic case studies
• New tools for TLA+ or add-ons to existing tools
• innovative use of the TLA+ tools or reports on their shortcomings
• use of TLA+ in education

Please send a 1-2 page abstract summarizing the content of the contribution by July 7, 2024 to «tla2024» \o «@» \o «inria.fr», indicating whether you would want to give a long or short presentation (40 or 25 minutes, including discussion). Any additional material may appear in an appendix that will be read at the discretion of the program committee. Notification of acceptance will be sent by July 15. There will not be formal proceedings, but accepted abstracts and slides of the presentations will be made available on the web. Presentations of relevant work published elsewhere are welcome. Speakers at the TLA+ Community Meeting will be required to register for workshop participation at FM 2024.

For up-to-date information, please consult https://conf.tlapl.us/2024-fm/. 

Program Committee

• Ivan Beschastnikh, University of British Columbia
• Julia Ferraioli, Amazon
• Igor Konnov, independent researcher and TU Wien
• Markus Kuppe, Microsoft
• Michael Leuschel, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf
• Giuliano Losa, Stellar Foundation
• Stephan Merz, Inria Nancy

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