In fact, there is no such thing as "statements" in TLA+, only formulas of different levels (constant, state, action, temporal). This is not nitpicking, but quite a fundamental distinction.StephanOn 19 May 2024, at 11:24, marta zhango <marta...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Have seen that statements in TLA are of the form [A]_p, where A is an action and p is a property.But what are things without action formalism likeCardinality(assignments[t])and expressions such as/\ assignments \in [Tasks -> SUBSET CPUs]
IsSorted(seq) == \A i, j \in 1..Len(seq): i < j => seq[i] <= seq[j]
What are the latter ? Because they do not look like TLA statements
in the form of [A]_p.--
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