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[tlaplus] Re: Deadlock reach without invocation of main actions.

Thank you very much for your input! I am learning a lot from this process!
Here is my silly attempt to not let AddWaiter(tx, tuple) and PromoteWaiter(tuple) be in atomic conjunctions.
Also, values for all state variables are added in the AddWaiter function.

The TLC still does not show any of LockRelease in the traces and just acquires all the lock and idling I think. Can kindly you help me understand these behaviors?

Updated Spec:
----------------------------- MODULE WoundWait -----------------------------
EXTENDS TLC, FiniteSets, Integers, Sequences

CONSTANT txs, tuples
VARIABLE txActive, txAbort, txRequest, tupleOwners, tupleWaiters


Vars == <<txActive, txAbort, txRequest, tupleOwners, tupleWaiters>>

RequestType == {"SH", "EX"}

TypeOK ==
/\ \A tx \in txs: txRequest[tx] \in RequestType
/\ \A tuple1 \in tuples: tupleOwners[tuple1] \subseteq txs
/\ \A tuple2 \in tuples: tupleWaiters[tuple2] \subseteq txs
/\ txActive \subseteq txs
/\ txAbort \subseteq txs

Init ==
/\ txActive = {}
/\ txAbort = {}
/\ txRequest = [tx \in txs |-> RandomElement(RequestType)]
/\ tupleOwners = [tuple1 \in tuples |-> {}]
/\ tupleWaiters = [tuple2 \in tuples |-> {}]


HasConflict(req1, req2) == (req1 = "EX") \/ (req2 = "EX")

Min(W) ==
/\ W # {}
/\ CHOOSE tx \in W: \A tx2 \in W: tx <= tx2

SetAbort(tx) ==
/\ txAbort' = txAbort \cup {tx}
/\ \E tx1 \in txActive:
/\ tx = tx1
/\ txActive' = txActive \ {tx1}

SetActive(tx) ==
/\ IF \E tx0 \in txActive: tx = tx0
ELSE txActive' = txActive \cup {tx}
/\ \E tx1 \in txAbort: tx = tx1
/\ txAbort' = txAbort \ {tx1}


Sort(set) ==
IF set = {} THEN {}
CHOOSE sortedSet \in SUBSET set :
/\ sortedSet \subseteq set
/\ \A x \in sortedSet, y \in sortedSet : x <= y

AddWaiter(tx, tuple) ==
/\ tupleWaiters' = [tupleWaiters EXCEPT ![tuple]
= Sort(tupleWaiters[tuple] \cup {tx})]
/\ UNCHANGED <<tupleOwners, txAbort, txActive, txRequest>>

RemoveWaiter(tx, tuple) ==
tupleWaiters' = [tupleWaiters EXCEPT ![tuple]
= tupleWaiters[tuple] \ {tx}]

AddOwner(tx, tuple) ==
/\ tupleOwners' = [tupleOwners EXCEPT ![tuple]
= tupleOwners[tuple] \cup {tx}]
/\ UNCHANGED <<tupleWaiters, txAbort, txRequest>>
RemoveOwner(tx, tuple) ==
tupleOwners' = [tupleOwners EXCEPT ![tuple]
= tupleOwners[tuple] \ {tx}]

PromoteWaiter(tuple) == \E tx \in tupleWaiters[tuple]:
/\ tx = Min(tupleWaiters[tuple])
/\ HasConflict(txRequest[tx],txRequest[tupleOwners[tuple]]) = FALSE
/\ RemoveWaiter(tx, tuple)
/\ AddOwner(tx, tuple)
/\ SetActive(tx)

LockAcquire(tx, req, tuple) ==
\/ /\ tupleOwners[tuple] = {}
/\ AddWaiter(tx, tuple)
\/ /\ tupleOwners[tuple] # {}
/\ \A tx1 \in tupleOwners[tuple]:
/\ HasConflict(req,txRequest[tx1])
/\ (tx < tx1)
/\ SetAbort(tx1)
/\ UNCHANGED <<txActive, txRequest, tupleOwners, tupleWaiters>>
/\ AddWaiter(tx, tuple)
/\ HasConflict(txRequest[Min(tupleWaiters'[tuple])],
txRequest[tupleOwners[tuple]]) = FALSE
/\ RemoveWaiter(Min(tupleWaiters'[tuple]), tuple)
/\ AddOwner(Min(tupleWaiters'[tuple]), tuple)
/\ SetActive(Min(tupleWaiters'[tuple]))

LockRelease(tx, tuple) ==
/\ RemoveOwner(tx, tuple)
/\ PromoteWaiter(tuple)
/\ tx' = tx + Len(txActive)


Next == \E tx \in txs: \E tuple \in tuples:
\/ LockAcquire(tx, txRequest[tx], tuple)
\/ LockRelease(tx, tuple)

Spec ==
/\ Init
/\ [][Next]_Vars

FairSpec ==
Spec /\ \A tx1 \in txs, tuple1 \in tuples:
WF_Vars(LockAcquire(tx1, txRequest[tx1], tuple1))
/\ \A tx2 \in txs, tuple2 \in tuples:
SF_Vars(LockRelease(tx2, tuple2))

DeadLock == \A tuple \in tuples: tupleWaiters[tuple] # txs

BaitInva == \A tuple \in tuples: tupleOwners[tuple] # txs

Starvation ==
/\ \A tx1 \in txs, tuple1 \in tuples:
[]<>(<<LockAcquire(tx1, txRequest[tx1], tuple1)>>_Vars)
/\ \A tx2 \in txs, tuple2 \in tuples:

Best regards,
Tung Nguyen
On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 3:57:04 PM UTC+9 Stephan Merz wrote:
As pointed out in the previous reply, the conjunction AddWaiter(tx, tuple) /\ PromoteWaiter(tuple) can never be true:
AddWaiter adds an element to tupleWaiters whereas PromoteWaiter implies RemoveWaiter, which makes an
incompatible change to the same variable. Moreover, the first disjunct of the new version of LockAcquire does
not define values for all state variables in the successor state.

There are more problems with this spec, for example Sort(set) may always yield {}, which is probably not what
you intend.

On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 8:49:02 AM UTC+2 tungnguy...@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi! Thank you for your answer and clarification!

I have modified the LockAcquire action so that it will directly add tx to the tupleWaiters[tuple] if the waitlist is empty:

LockAcquire(tx, req, tuple) ==
\/ /\ tupleWaiters[tuple] = {}
/\ AddWaiter(tx, tuple)
\/ /\ tupleWaiters[tuple] # {}
/\ \A tx1 \in tupleOwners[tuple]:
/\ HasConflict(req,txRequest[tx1])
/\ (tx < tx1)
/\ SetAbort(tx1)
/\ UNCHANGED <<txActive, txRequest, tupleOwners, tupleWaiters>>
/\ AddWaiter(tx, tuple)
/\ PromoteWaiter(tuple)

The deadlock situation has disappeared and it ran successfully. However, when I checked the traces, only the LockAcquire action was invoked and there was no LockReLease. Even when I used the FairSpec with week fairness. Can you kindly let me know why did this behavior happen?

Best regards,
Tung Nguyen

On Friday, April 19, 2024 at 3:19:18 PM UTC+9 idivyans...@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
There are problems in how atomic actions are defined in spec.

Take for example

LockAcquire(tx, req, tuple) ==
    /\  \A tx1 \in tupleOwners[tuple]:
        /\ HasConflict(req,txRequest[tx1])
        /\ (tx < tx1)
        /\ SetAbort(tx1)
        /\ UNCHANGED <<txActive, txRequest, tupleOwners, tupleWaiters>>
    /\ AddWaiter(tx, tuple)
    /\ PromoteWaiter(tuple)

AddWaiter and PromoteWaiter should be different actions. From initial state
it is not possible to get an execution trace which satisfies LockAcquire action.
AddWaiter says that in the next state `tx` will be added in waiters of `tuple` but
PromoteWaiter expects that `tx` is in waiters of `tuple` in current state by usage of
tx = Min(tupleWaiters[tuple]). 

Correction : But there is no transaction to promote as tupleWaiters[tuple] is empty.  PromoteWaiter
is evaluates to FALSE for any state transition (s, s') where s is initial state. Hence  it is deadlock

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