If you use the Toolbox, it will declare `defaultInitValue’ as a model value. If you use VSCode or the command line and write the configuration file yourself, add the line--defaultInitValue = defaultInitValuein the CONSTANT section.What is the temporal property that you want to verify? If it is the Termination property, addPROPERTY Terminationto the configuration file. You will also want to replace `algorithm’ by `fair algorithm’ for reasons that are explained in the TLA+ background material such as Lamport’s videos or on learntla.com.Hope this helps,StephanOn Mar 21, 2024, at 17:17, Shahbaz Ahmad <shahbaz4426@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:first thanks to all,I have written specifications in PlusCal for ph and when I checked the Pluscal algorithm after translation into TLA+ the TLC Model Checker showed the DefualtIntValue. what should I do further to check the temporal property in my specification, kindly guide me thanks. Shahbaz Ahmad Ph.D. Scholar Islamia University Bahawalpur Pakistan.------------------------------ MODULE phscale ------------------------------
--algorithm phscale {
ph \in 1..14; \* pH variable ranging from 1 to 14
classification; \* Variable to store the classification
\* Check for different pH ranges and assign classification accordingly
if (ph < 1) {
classification:= "Invalid pH value";
} else {
if (ph < 3) {
classification:= "Strongly acidic";
} else {
if (ph < 7) {
classification := "Moderately acidic";
} else {
if (ph = 7) {
classification := "Neutral";
} else {
if (ph < 8) {
classification := "Slightly alkaline";
} else {
if (ph <= 14) {
classification := "Moderately alkaline";
} else {
classification := "Invalid pH value";
} \* end ph <= 14
} \*end ph < 8
} \*end ph = 7
} \*end ph < 7
} \*end ph < 3
} \* end algorithm
\* BEGIN TRANSLATION (chksum(pcal) = "20ee82a9" /\ chksum(tla) = "8bf955aa")
CONSTANT defaultInitValue
VARIABLES ph, classification, pc
vars == << ph, classification, pc >>
Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ ph \in 1..14
/\ classification = defaultInitValue
/\ pc = "Lbl_1"
Lbl_1 == /\ pc = "Lbl_1"
/\ IF ph < 1
THEN /\ classification' = "Invalid pH value"
ELSE /\ IF ph < 3
THEN /\ classification' = "Strongly acidic"
ELSE /\ IF ph < 7
THEN /\ classification' = "Moderately acidic"
ELSE /\ IF ph = 7
THEN /\ classification' = "Neutral"
ELSE /\ IF ph < 8
THEN /\ classification' = "Slightly alkaline"
ELSE /\ IF ph <= 14
THEN /\ classification' = "Moderately alkaline"
ELSE /\ classification' = "Invalid pH value"
/\ pc' = "Done"
/\ ph' = ph
(* Allow infinite stuttering to prevent deadlock on termination. *)
Terminating == pc = "Done" /\ UNCHANGED vars
Next == Lbl_1
\/ Terminating
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
Termination == <>(pc = "Done")
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