---- MODULE serial_sandwich ----
(* inspired by *)
(* https://github.com/jameshfisher/tlaplus/blob/master/examples/DieHard/DieHard.tla *)
(* jam starts in fridge, *)
(* peanut butter (pb) in pantry, and bread is on table. *)
(* To construct the sandwich, gather all items on the table. *)
(* After sandwich is made, return items to their original location. *)
VARIABLES jam_location,
(* valid locations for each of the *)
(* three items to be *)
TypeOk == /\ jam_location \in {"fridge", "table"}
/\ pb_location \in {"pantry", "table"}
/\ bread_location \in {"table"}
(* Define of the initial predicate -- *)
(* specifies the initial values of the variables. *)
Init == /\ jam_location = "fridge"
/\ pb_location = "pantry"
/\ bread_location = "table"
(* Define the actions *)
MoveJamToTable == /\ jam_location' = "table"
/\ pb_location' = pb_location
/\ bread_location' = bread_location
MoveJamToFridge == /\ jam_location' = "fridge"
/\ pb_location' = pb_location
/\ bread_location' = bread_location
MovePbToTable == /\ jam_location' = jam_location
/\ pb_location' = "table"
/\ bread_location' = bread_location
MovePbToPantry == /\ jam_location' = jam_location
/\ pb_location' = "pantry"
/\ bread_location' = bread_location
(* Define the next-state relation *)
Next == \/ MoveJamToTable
\/ MoveJamToFridge
\/ MovePbToTable
\/ MovePbToPantry
(* Define the formula Spec to be the complete specification, asserting *)
(* of a behavior that it begins in a state satisfying Init, and that every *)
(* step either satisfies Next or else leaves the set of locations unchanged *)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<<jam_location,pb_location,bread_location>>
(* Successful sandwich will be completed when two conditions are met *)
(* 1) <<jam,pb,bread>> are all on table, *)
(* and then, sometime later *)
(* 2) <<jam,pb,bread>> are back to their initial locations. *)
MakeSandwich == /\ jam_location = "table"
/\ pb_location = "table"
/\ bread_location = "table"
(* I'm not clear how to express the terminating condition. *)
(* https://learntla.com/core/temporal-logic.html#eventually-diamond *)
(* https://learntla.com/core/temporal-logic.html#id2 *)
(* Done == MakeSandwich ~> Init *)