5 сентября 2021 г. 04:51:11 GMT+03:00, Clifford Heath <clifford.heath@xxxxxxxxx> пишет:
As a languages geek, I had heard of tree-sitter, but had never actually looked at it.
Wow... It just totally freaks me out that someone who has the ability and desire to build a parser generator sees fit to use JSON as the input syntax.
I just cannot get that level of insanity into my head. I mean, I can understand XML folk abusing XML like that, but this is a *parser* person using *JSON*.
It's nuts.
Is there a more readable syntax for TLA+ somewhere?
Clifford Heath.
On 5 Sep 2021, at 1:23 am, Andrew Helwer <andrew.helwer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You may also be interested in using the TLA+ tree-sitter grammar: https://github.com/tlaplus-community/tree-sitter-tlaplus/
On Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 4:40:48 AM UTC-7 zhin...@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
At present, we are preparing to develop a plug-in for TLA+ Toolbox, which is mainly used for automatic prompting of TLA+ grammar and format checking and prompting. Are there relevant plug-in development materials?