while TRUE do
await inputQueue # {} /\ componentState[self]="ready" /\ data="" ;
either \* correct transmission
if inputQueue # {} /\ tmpTakenInput # {"message1", "message2", "message3", "message4", "message5", "message6", "message7", "message8", "message9", "message10"} then
data := CHOOSE x \in inputQueue : x \notin tmpTakenInput;
tmpTakenInput := tmpTakenInput \union {data};
goto receiveData;
end if;
or \* transmission error
data := "null";
goto receiveData;
end either;
TLC iterate over "receiveData" and "incorrectReceive" for the two processes,
i have written in the TLA+ spec the Strong fairness as:
/\ \A self \in {"ingress1", "ingress2"} : SF_vars(correctReceive(self))
also with putting incorrectReceive:-(if i have understood well it shouldn't be necessary with the above definition of fairness) the problem persists
Please inspect the TLA+ specification generated for your PlusCal algorithm: strong fairness for processes generates a conjunct of the form\A self \in Procs : SF_vars(proc(self))where proc(self) is a disjunction that includes disjuncts for transmissionToKafka(self), correctSend(self), and incorrectSend(self). Since infinitely many proc(self) steps occur, the counter-example generated by TLC is fair.The simple fix is to remove fairness for incorrectSend (since clearly you do not mean to assert a fairness condition for transmission error) by writingincorrectSend:-Should you want to assert fairness for two actions in conflict (such as correctSend and incorrectSend), you would have to write/\ \A self \in Procs : SF_vars(correctSend(self))/\ \A self \in Procs : SF_vars(incorrectSend(self))This condition would have to be written in TLA+, the PlusCal translator will not generate it for you.Regards,StephanOn 13 Jun 2021, at 15:46, <> wrote:Hi, i have two processes with in the body a while true an inside that a part of the code is the following:transmissionToKafka:
await data # "null" /\ componentState[self]="processing";
either \* correct transmission
intermediateQueue := intermediateQueue \union {data};
or \* transmission error
goto transmissionToKafka;
end either;
checking that the messages are correctly trnasmitted from an initial set to a second set (intermediateQueue) TLC gives me error with the following trace:
1 -> transmissionToKafka
2 -> transmissionToKafka
step +1 pc:
1 -> incorrectSend
2 -> transmissionToKafka
step+1 pc:
1 -> transmissionToKafka
2 -> transmissionToKafka
step+1 pc:
1 -> transmissionToKaka
2 -> incorrectSend
return to the initial state
shouldn't this problem be solved using strong fairness of the processes? I defined my processes as fair+ but the problem persists
could someone help? thanks
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