CONSTANT Limit \* Upper bound limit, that model will be testing
ASSUME Limit \in Nat
IntRange == 0..Limit
FPlusOne == [x \in IntRange |-> IF x >= Limit THEN Limit ELSE x + 1] \* Helper function to convert Church numerals to integers
ReducerFunctions == {FPlusOne} \* this functions must all have the same domain and image set (T -> T)
ReducerArguments == IntRange \* must be in the domain of T
ChurchNumbers == [ReducerFunctions -> [ReducerArguments -> ReducerArguments]]
LZero == [f \in ReducerFunctions |-> [x \in ReducerArguments |-> x]] \* Zero numeral
LSucc == \* Successor function for generating next Church numeral
[n \in ChurchNumbers |->
[f \in ReducerFunctions |-> [x \in ReducerArguments |-> f[n[f][x]]] ]
step, \* Execution step, ranging from 0 to Limit
numeral \* Church numeral, produced on each step
TypeOK == \* At every step we'll verify that current Church numeral could be correctly converted to an integer
/\ step = numeral[FPlusOne][0]
/\ PrintT(<<"Reduced Church Numeral", numeral[FPlusOne][0]>>)
Init == \* Start with zero numeral
/\ step = 0
/\ numeral = LZero
SetNext == \* Try up to a "Limit" numbers
/\ step < Limit
/\ numeral' = LSucc[numeral]
/\ step' = step + 1
ComputationComplete == \* Stop, when we tried "Limit" worth of numerals
/\ step = Limit
/\ UNCHANGED<<step, numeral>>
Next ==
\/ SetNext
\/ ComputationComplete
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<<step, numeral>>