Attempted to apply the operator overridden by the Java method
public static tlc2.value.impl.Value tlc2.module.Randomization.RandomSubset(tlc2.value.impl.Value,tlc2.value.impl.Value),
but it produced the following error:
Overflow when computing the number of elements in:
SUBSET [configOld: {{}, {n1}, {n2}, {n3}, {n1, n2}, {n1, n3}, {n2, n3}, {n1, n2, n3}}, configOldVersion: 0..2, configOldTerm: 0..2, configNew: {{}, {n1}, {n2}, {n3}, {n1, n2}, {n1, n3}, {n2, n3}, {n1, n2, n3}}, configNewVersion: 0..2, configNewTerm: 0..2]
SeqOf(set, n) == UNION {[1..m -> set] : m \in 0..n}
BoundedSeq(S, n) == SeqOf(S, n)
ReconfigsType == SUBSET [ configOld : SUBSET Server,configNewVersion : Nat,
configNewTerm : Nat]
TypeOKRandom ==
/\ currentTerm \in RandomSubset(4, [Server -> Nat])
/\ state \in RandomSubset(4, [Server -> {Secondary, Primary}])
/\ log \in RandomSubset(4, [Server -> Seq([term : Nat])])
/\ config \in RandomSubset(4, [Server -> SUBSET Server])
/\ configVersion \in RandomSubset(4, [Server -> Nat])
/\ configTerm \in RandomSubset(4, [Server -> Nat])
/\ immediatelyCommitted = {}
/\ elections = {}
/\ reconfigs = RandomSubset(3, ReconfigsType)
IInit == TypeOKRandom /\ IndInv