THEOREM Implements == Spec => M!Spec
<1> USE Assumption, M!Assumption
<1>1. Init => M!Init
BY DEF Init, M!Init, MinusInfinity, Infinity, M!MinusInfinity, M!Infinity
<1>2. Inv /\ [Next]_vars => [M!Next]_M!vars
PROVE [M!Next]_M!vars
<2>1. CASE InputNum
BY <2>1
DEF InputNum, M!Next, M!vars, M!InputNum
<2>2. CASE Respond
<3>1. CASE y = {}
BY <3>1, <2>2
DEF Inv, TypeOK,
Next, vars, InputNum, Respond,
setMax, setMin,
Infinity, MinusInfinity,
M!Next, M!vars, M!InputNum, M!Respond,
M!Infinity, M!MinusInfinity,
M!IsLeq, M!IsGeq
<3>2. CASE y # {}
<4>1. CASE y = {x}
BY <4>1, <3>2, <2>2
DEF Inv, TypeOK,
Next, vars, InputNum, Respond,
setMax, setMin,
Infinity, MinusInfinity,
M!Next, M!vars, M!InputNum, M!Respond,
M!Infinity, M!MinusInfinity,
M!IsLeq, M!IsGeq
<4>2. CASE y # {x}
<5>1. CASE M!IsLeq(x, setMin(y))
BY <5>1, <4>2, <3>2, <2>2, MinIntegers
DEF Inv, TypeOK,
Next, vars, InputNum, Respond,
setMax, setMin,
Infinity, MinusInfinity,
M!Next, M!vars, M!InputNum, M!Respond,
M!Infinity, M!MinusInfinity,
M!IsLeq, M!IsGeq
<5>2. CASE M!IsGeq(x, setMax(y))
<5>3. CASE /\ ~M!IsLeq(x, setMin(y))
/\ ~M!IsGeq(x, setMax(y))
<5>4. QED
BY <5>1, <5>2, <5>3, <4>2, <3>2, <2>2
<4>3. QED
BY <4>1, <4>2, <3>2, <2>2
<3>3. QED
BY <3>1, <3>2, <2>2
DEF Respond,
Inv, TypeOK,
Next, vars, InputNum, Respond,
setMax, setMin,
Infinity, MinusInfinity,
M!Next, M!vars, M!InputNum, M!Respond,
M!Infinity, M!MinusInfinity,
M!IsLeq, M!IsGeq
BY <2>3 DEF vars, M!vars
<2>4. QED
BY <2>1, <2>2, <2>3 DEF Next
<1>3. QED
BY <1>1, <1>2, PTL, IInv
DEF Spec, M!Spec
Hello,I don't understand the structure of your proof. Step <3>1 (in the proof of theorem "Implements") is a CASE, which we can reformulate abstractly as<3>1. ASSUME X PROVE P(where X is the case assumption and P is the assertion of the enclosing step). Now, you prove this step using several more CASE steps<4>1. CASE A<4>2. CASE B<4>3. CASE C<4>4. CASE D<4>5. CASE E<4>6. QEDEach of <4>1-<4>5 proves P, assuming A, B etc. (The proofs of these steps may also refer to X since this is the enclosing CASE assumption.) The QED step has to ensure that the case distinction is complete, that is, thatA \/ B \/ C \/ D \/ E => Xis valid (in the context of any assumptions from the enclosing proof steps). It is absolutely not clear to me how this would be the case – in particular, A ... E mention the variables y, x, and x' whereas X contains x, y, y' and turn'.Also, I don't understand why you structure the proof in this way. The case assumption X in fact follows from the enclosing CASE assumption "Respond", so you could simply write<3>1. X BY <2>2 DEF RespondIn order to discharge the overall proof obligation, you certainly want to establish M!Respond and therefore show the five conjuncts in the definition of this action, given the definition of Respond (in the implementation) and the refinement mapping. This will probably require case distinctions following the definition of the refinement mapping (y = {} or not) and those in the definitions of IsLeq / IsGeq but I don't see why the assumptions A, ..., E would help here.Regards,StephanOn 6 Apr 2020, at 21:41, Balaji Arun <ba2...@xxxxxx> wrote:TLAPS noob here.I am reading the "Auxiliary Variables in TLA+" paper and have been trying to prove the theorem that MinMax1 implements MinMax2 using TLAPS. Below is my partial attempt at the proof. I understood from Stephen Merz's response to another post that I need to separately prove setMax and setMin due to the CHOOSE construct, which I did. But, I am having a hard time proving step <3>1. I appreciate any comments on my approach.
- MODULE MinMax1 ------------------------------EXTENDS Integers, TLAPS, FiniteSetTheorems
setMax(S) == CHOOSE t \in S : \A s \in S : t >= s
setMin(S) == CHOOSE t \in S : \A s \in S : t =< s
CONSTANTS Lo, Hi, Both, None
ASSUME Assumption == {Lo, Hi, Both, None} \cap Int = { }
VARIABLES x, turn, y
vars == <<x, turn, y>>
Init == /\ x = None
/\ turn = "input"
/\ y = {}
InputNum == /\ turn = "input"
/\ turn' = "output"
/\ x' \in Int
/\ y' = y
Respond == /\ turn = "output"
/\ turn' = "input"
/\ y' = y \cup {x}
/\ x' = IF x = setMax(y') THEN IF x = setMin(y') THEN Both ELSE Hi
ELSE IF x = setMin(y') THEN Lo ELSE None
Next == InputNum \/ Respond
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
Infinity == CHOOSE n : n \notin IntMinusInfinity == CHOOSE n : n \notin (Int \cup {Infinity})
WITH min <- IF y = {} THEN Infinity ELSE setMin(y),
max <- IF y = {} THEN MinusInfinity ELSE setMax(y)
TypeOK == /\ x \in Int \cup {Lo, Hi, Both, None}
/\ turn \in {"input", "output"}
/\ y \in SUBSET Int
Inv == /\ TypeOK
/\ \/ /\ turn = "output"
/\ x \in Int
\/ /\ turn = "input"
/\ x \in {Lo, Hi, Both, None}
LEMMA MaxIntegers ==
ASSUME NEW S \in SUBSET Int, S # {}, IsFiniteSet(S)
PROVE /\ setMax(S) \in S
/\ \A yy \in S : yy <= setMax(S)
<1>. DEFINE P(T) == T \in SUBSET Int /\ T # {} => \E xx \in T : \A yy \in T : yy <= xx
<1>1. P({})
<1>2. ASSUME NEW T, NEW xx, P(T), xx \notin T
PROVE P(T \cup {xx})
<2>. HAVE T \cup {xx} \in SUBSET Int
<2>1. CASE \A yy \in T : yy <= xx
BY <2>1, Isa
<2>2. CASE \E yy \in T : ~(yy <= xx)
<3>. T # {}
BY <2>2
<3>1. PICK yy \in T : \A zz \in T : zz <= yy
BY <1>2
<3>2. xx <= yy
BY <2>2, <3>1
<3>3. QED BY <3>1, <3>2
<2>. QED BY <2>1, <2>2
<1>3. P(S) BY <1>1, <1>2, FS_Induction, IsaM("blast")
<1>. QED BY <1>3, Zenon DEF setMax, P
LEMMA MinIntegers ==
ASSUME NEW S \in SUBSET Int, S # {}, IsFiniteSet(S)
PROVE /\ setMin(S) \in S
/\ \A yy \in S : yy >= setMin(S)
<1>. DEFINE P(T) == T \in SUBSET Int /\ T # {} => \E xx \in T : \A yy \in T : yy >= xx
<1>1. P({})
<1>2. ASSUME NEW T, NEW xx, P(T), xx \notin T
PROVE P(T \cup {xx})
<2>. HAVE T \cup {xx} \in SUBSET Int
<2>1. CASE \A yy \in T : yy >= xx
BY <2>1, Isa
<2>2. CASE \E yy \in T : ~(yy >= xx)
<3>. T # {}
BY <2>2
<3>1. PICK yy \in T : \A zz \in T : zz >= yy
BY <1>2
<3>2. xx >= yy
BY <2>2, <3>1
<3>3. QED BY <3>1, <3>2
<2>. QED BY <2>1, <2>2
<1>3. P(S) BY <1>1, <1>2, FS_Induction, IsaM("blast")
<1>. QED BY <1>3, Zenon DEF setMin, P
LEMMA IInv == Spec => []Inv
<1> USE Assumption DEF Inv
<1>1. Init => Inv
BY DEF Init, TypeOK
<1>2. Inv /\ [Next]_vars => Inv'
BY DEF Next, vars, TypeOK, InputNum, Respond, setMax, setMin
<1>3. QED
BY <1>1, <1>2, PTL
DEF Spec
THEOREM Implements == Spec => M!Spec
<1> USE Assumption, M!Assumption
<1>1. Init => M!Init
BY DEF Init, M!Init, MinusInfinity, Infinity, M!MinusInfinity, M!Infinity
<1>2. Inv /\ [Next]_vars => [M!Next]_M!vars
PROVE [M!Next]_M!vars
<2>1. CASE InputNum
BY <2>1
DEF InputNum, M!Next, M!vars, M!InputNum
<2>2. CASE Respond
<3>1. CASE /\ turn = "output"
/\ turn' = "input"
/\ y' = y \cup {x}
<4>1. CASE /\ y = {}
/\ x' = Both
BY <4>1, <3>1, <2>2
DEF Respond,
Inv, TypeOK,
Next, vars, InputNum, Respond,
setMax, setMin,
Infinity, MinusInfinity,
M!Next, M!vars, M!InputNum, M!Respond,
M!Infinity, M!MinusInfinity,
M!IsLeq, M!IsGeq
<4>2. CASE /\ y = {x}
/\ x' = Both
BY <4>2, <3>1, <2>2
DEF Respond,
Inv, TypeOK,
Next, vars, InputNum, Respond,
setMax, setMin,
Infinity, MinusInfinity,
M!Next, M!vars, M!InputNum, M!Respond,
M!Infinity, M!MinusInfinity,
M!IsLeq, M!IsGeq
<4>3. CASE /\ ~(\E yy \in y : yy > x)
/\ x' = Hi
<4>4. CASE /\ ~(\E yy \in y : yy < x)
/\ x' = Lo
<4>5. CASE /\ \E yy \in y : yy > x
/\ \E yy \in y : yy > x
/\ x' = None
<4>6. QED
BY <4>1, <4>2, <4>3, <4>4, <4>5, <3>1, <2>2, MaxIntegers, MinIntegers
DEF Respond,
Inv, TypeOK,
Next, vars, InputNum, Respond,
setMax, setMin,
Infinity, MinusInfinity,
M!Next, M!vars, M!InputNum, M!Respond,
M!Infinity, M!MinusInfinity,
M!IsLeq, M!IsGeq
<3>2. QED
BY <3>1, <2>2
DEF Respond
BY <2>3 DEF vars, M!vars
<2>4. QED
BY <2>1, <2>2, <2>3 DEF Next
<1>3. QED
BY <1>1, <1>2, PTL, IInv
DEF Spec, M!Spec
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