Stephan, can you please give some more comments on this paragraph (p. 38) (the second part of it, starting from "We can either move all definitions....):
We encounter the same problem here that we encountered in checking con-
dition (4.11) for the SendSet example. We would like to put these requirements
in module SendSetUndoP (Figure 10), right before the declaration of the vari-
able p. However, TLC can't check the theorem in a model for that specification
because SpecU does not specify the values of variable p. We can either move
all the denitions that are now in SendSetUndoP before the declaration of p
into a separate module, put them at the end of module SendSetUndo, or end
the module before the declaration of p by adding "=====" when checking the
and what does it mean: ending the module by adding "====="
Thanks in advance. Alex.