I had the same problem. The toolbox generates a tex-file in the folder spec.toolbox, in your case DieHard.toolbox. But it seems that the pdflatex command is run in the current folder, the parent of DieHard.toolbox.
A work around that worked for me:
I changed the command in preferences to "cd DieHard.toolbox; pdflatex"
Not quite convenient, because it must be changed for every new spec. But it works for me.
Am Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2020 06:09:52 UTC+1 schrieb Ryan Mortensen:
I try to run the PDF producer on the toolbox that I just downloaded, but I get the following error:
TLATeX unrecoverable error: Tring to run command `pdflatex DieHard.tex` produced the following error- Cannot run program 'pdflatex' in directory /my/dir/DieHard.toolbox.
The system cannot find the file specified.
Is this because of a faulty installation on my part?
I read the other messages from 2013, which makes me wonder if I need to install Latex separately?