<> (\A entry \in [term: 1..MaxTerm, index: 1..MaxIndex, value: 1..MaxValue] : entry \in AllServerQuorumLogs ~> entry \in RANGE(committedLogs))
MaxTerm, MaxIndex and MaxValue are constants .Where the liveness formula is as follows, it checks that a log is acked by quorum servers eventually would be committed.<> (\A entry \in {[term |-> Nat, index |-> Nat, value |-> Nat]} : entry \in AllServerQuorumLogs ~> entry \in RANGE(committedLogs))
在 2020年3月10日星期二 UTC+8上午9:53:26,Yongqiang Yang写道:When I enabled liveness checking by adding formula to properties, TLC uses only one cpu. Is this expected?