I am using Windows. The instructions in the page includes the following -
"Let's suppose that your folder is c:\user\myfolder . This will create a subfolder of myfolder named tla that has three subfolders, each containing one of the tools. You must then add c:\user\myfolder\tla to your CLASSPATH variable."
However, after extracting thetla2tools.jar file, instead of a folder named tla with three subfolders, three separate folders for each tool called tla2sany, tla2tex and tlc2 were created, along with some other folders.
java tla2tex.TeX My_file.tex
I also tried the above by adding the tla2latex folder to my Path variable in windows.
However, it seems that the tla2tex folder does not have any class named tla2tex.TeX.
I will appreciate any help regarding this. If there is some other way to embed tla+ into a latex document, that will be helpful as well.