VARIABLES req1, req2, crit1, crit2, turn, inReq1, inReq2
/\ req1 \in BOOLEAN
/\ req2 \in BOOLEAN
/\ crit1 \in BOOLEAN
/\ crit2 \in BOOLEAN
/\ inReq1 \in BOOLEAN
/\ inReq2 \in BOOLEAN
v == <<req1, req2, crit1, crit2, turn, inReq1, inReq2>>
/\ req1 = FALSE
/\ crit1 = FALSE
/\ req2 = FALSE
/\ crit2 = FALSE
/\ inReq1 = FALSE
/\ inReq2 = FALSE
Request1a ==
/\ ~req1
/\ ~inReq1
/\ req1 = TRUE
/\ inReq1 = TRUE
/\ UNCHANGED <<req2, crit1, crit2, inReq2, turn>>
Request2a ==
/\ ~req2
/\ ~inReq2
/\ req2 = TRUE
/\ inReq2 = TRUE
/\ UNCHANGED <<req1, crit1, crit2, inReq1, turn>>
Request1b ==
/\ inReq1
/\ inReq1' = FALSE
/\ UNCHANGED <<req1, req2, crit1, crit2, inReq2>>
Request2b ==
/\ inReq2
/\ inReq2' = FALSE
/\ UNCHANGED <<req1, req2, crit1, crit2, inReq1>>
Enter1 ==
/\ ~inReq1 \* here we check if it is not in the req1,
/\ req1 \* then we get into req1
/\ ~req2 \/ turn = 1 \* then we check if it is not in the req2, and not turn 1
/\ crit1' = TRUE \* then we get into the other flag which is crit1 and assign it to TRUE
/\ UNCHANGED <<req1, req2, crit2, turn, inReq1, inReq2>>
Enter2 ==
/\ ~inReq2
/\ req2
/\ ~req1 \/ turn = 2
/\ crit2' = TRUE
/\ UNCHANGED <<req1, req2, crit1, turn, inReq1, inReq2>>
Exit1 ==
/\ crit1
/\ crit1' = FALSE
/\ req1' = FALSE
/\ UNCHANGED <<req2, crit2, inReq1, inReq2, turn>>
Exit2 ==
/\ crit2
/\ crit2' = FALSE
/\ req2' = FALSE
/\ UNCHANGED <<req1, crit1, inReq1, inReq2, turn>>
Prog1 ==
\/ Request1a
\/ Request1b
\/ Enter1
\/ Exit1
Prog2 ==
\/ Request2a
\/ Request2b
\/ Enter2
\/ Exit2
Next == Prog1 \/ Prog2
Prog == Init /\ [][Next]_v /\ WF_v(Prog1) /\ WF_v(Prog2)
Safety == [] ~(crit1 /\ crit2)
Liveness == /\ (req1 ~> crit1)
/\ (req2 ~> crit2)
Spec == Safety /\ Liveness