Good day everyone.Found a behaviour that I would classify a bug. The spec:
vars == << tmp, pc >>
Init ==
/\ tmp = 0
/\ pc = "Step1"
Step1 ==/\ pc = "Step1"
/\ pc' = "Step2"
/\ UNCHANGED << tmp >>
Step2 ==
/\ pc = "Step2"
/\ \/ pc' = "Step1"
\/ pc' = "Done"
/\ UNCHANGED << tmp >>
HackStep ==
/\ tmp' = 1
/\ UNCHANGED << pc >>
Next ==
\/ Step1
\/ Step2
\* Next doesn't have HackStep on it...
\/ (pc = "Done" /\ UNCHANGED vars)
Spec ==
/\ Init /\ [][Next]_vars
/\ WF_vars(Next)
/\ WF_vars(HackStep) \* ...but Spec does have a weak fairness requirement for HackStep
GetsToDone == <>[](pc = "will never get this value")
If I add GetsToDone to the model' properties, the model passes. And it does fail as expected if I add HackStep to the Next action.This may be cofusing even in such a tiny spec. And it took me quite some time to figure this out in the actual specification I was actually working on.I am not sure the spec is simplest possible to manifest this behaviour. Hope it small enough to troubleshoot.