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[tlaplus] Re: Some edges are missing

Dear AmirHossein,
No, gvpr is a command line tool and it says the number of nodes and edges.

On Monday, July 1, 2019 at 1:57:40 PM UTC+4:30, somayeh soltani wrote:
Dear All,
I am new in TLA+, and I have tried to model a simple specification, which is given below:
-------------------------------- MODULE ACME --------------------------------
EXTENDS Integers
VARIABLES entry1, entry2
TypeOk == /\ entry1 \in {"e", "A", "B", "A_del", "B_del"}
          /\ entry2 \in {"e", "A", "B", "A_del", "B_del"}
Init == /\ entry1 = "e"
        /\ entry2 = "e"
add_A == IF (entry1 = "A") \/ (entry2 = "A")
            THEN /\ UNCHANGED entry1
                 /\ UNCHANGED entry2
            ELSE IF (entry1 = "e") \/ (entry1 = "A_del") \/ (entry1 = "B_del")
                THEN /\ entry1' = "A"
                     /\ UNCHANGED entry2
                     /\ entry2' = "A"
                     /\ UNCHANGED entry1
add_B == IF (entry1 = "B") \/ (entry2 = "B")
            THEN /\ UNCHANGED entry1
                 /\ UNCHANGED entry2
            ELSE IF (entry1 = "e") \/ (entry1 = "A_del") \/ (entry1 = "B_del")
                THEN /\ entry1' = "B"
                     /\ UNCHANGED entry2
                     /\ entry2' = "B"
                     /\ UNCHANGED entry1                     

take == IF entry1 = "A"
            THEN /\ entry1' = "A_del"
                 /\ UNCHANGED entry2
            ELSE IF entry1 = "B"
                THEN /\ entry1' = "B_del"
                     /\ UNCHANGED entry2
                ELSE IF entry2 = "A"
                    THEN /\ entry2' = "A_del"
                         /\ UNCHANGED entry1
                    ELSE IF entry2 = "B"
                        THEN /\ entry2' = "B_del"
                             /\ UNCHANGED entry1
                        ELSE /\ UNCHANGED entry1
                             /\ UNCHANGED entry2                             
Next == \/ add_A
        \/ add_B
        \/ take

\* Modification History
\* Last modified Mon Jul 01 13:49:57 IRDT 2019 by soltani
\* Created Sun Jun 30 15:22:19 IRDT 2019 by soltani

I expect a graph with 17 nodes and 17*3 edges. I mean every node should have three outgoing edges.  However, two of the nodes, named (/\ entry1 = "A"/\ entry2 = "B") and (/\ entry1 = "B"/\ entry2 = "A") have just two outgoing edges.
Is there a way to get the complete graph!


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