CONSTANTS Participants
VARIABLE counters
Init == counters = [i \in Participants |-> 0]
UpdateCounter(participant, newCounter) ==
IF /\ counters[participant] < newCounter THEN
/\ counters' = [counters EXCEPT ![participant] = newCounter]
/\ UNCHANGED << counters >>
UpdateAndGet(participant, newCounter) ==
IF UpdateCounter(participant, newCounter) THEN
[p |-> participant, c |-> newCounter]
[p |-> participant, c |-> counters[participant]]
Hello,if you remove the empty pair of parentheses, your definition is correct TLA+. It defines an operator whose effect it is to increment the state variable val and in can be used inside an action like so:MyAction ==/\ .../\ Calculate \* update variable val/\ ...There is no notion of "returning" an update of a variable.If you'd rather compute a value that can be used within an _expression_ you can defineValPlusOne == val + 1and have something likef' = [f EXCEPT ![p] = ValPlusOne]for updating an array at a certain position.Regards,StephanOn 15 May 2019, at 02:54, Balaji Arun <ba2...@xxxxxx> wrote:I am trying to have a specification with a definition for Calculate()module A:
Calculate() ==
val' = val + 1
(*return [v: val] here*)
How do I return that val to whoever is calling it (even another module that instantiates module A)? Assuming multiple processes call Calculate concurrently.--
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