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Re: [tlaplus] Re: PlusCal: implicit label Error (PlusCal translator bug?)
On 01.12.2015 18:28, Leslie Lamport wrote:
> A goto to the "Error" label is supposed to be executed when execution
> reaches the end of a procedure without finding a return statement. I
> suspect that in this case, the return is returning to someplace that
> drops it off the end of a calling procedure. I can't tell exactly
> what's happening without seeing a complete example. If you have an
> example in which such a goto is being executed when it shouldn't be,
> please send it to me. (But please try to pare it down to the smallest
> example you can find.)
I've attached a minimum testcase to this email. It seems that a
workaround is to write
if (cond) {
call g();
instead of simply:
if (cond)
call g();
> The translator does not produce an error because it doesn't know
> whether that goto "Error" can actually be executed. Determining
> whether a particular statement in a program will be executed is an
> unsolvable problem, and we had more important things to do than add
> heuristics to the translator for attempting to solve this problem.
I agree, but I don't currently see why anybody would want to or should
be allowed to write PlusCal procedures which fall off the end. Can you
present an use-case for this? Wouldn't it just be better for the PlusCal
procedure to always return implicitly when it reaches the end of the
procedure block?
Best regards,
-------------------------------- MODULE bug --------------------------------
EXTENDS Sequences
(* --algorithm bug {
procedure g() { return; }
procedure f() {
if (FALSE)
call g();
{ call f(); } \* Single process
} *)
VARIABLES pc, stack
vars == << pc, stack >>
Init == /\ stack = << >>
/\ pc = "Lbl_3"
Lbl_1 == /\ pc = "Lbl_1"
/\ pc' = Head(stack).pc
/\ stack' = Tail(stack)
g == Lbl_1
Lbl_2 == /\ pc = "Lbl_2"
THEN /\ stack' = << [ procedure |-> "g",
pc |-> Head(stack).pc ] >>
\o Tail(stack)
/\ pc' = "Lbl_1"
ELSE /\ pc' = "Error"
/\ stack' = stack
f == Lbl_2
Lbl_3 == /\ pc = "Lbl_3"
/\ stack' = << [ procedure |-> "f",
pc |-> "Done" ] >>
\o stack
/\ pc' = "Lbl_2"
Next == g \/ f \/ Lbl_3
\/ (* Disjunct to prevent deadlock on termination *)
(pc = "Done" /\ UNCHANGED vars)
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars
Termination == <>(pc = "Done")