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Re: The implementation of records and functions in TLC

Hi all,

I am very sorry that I didn't say my questions clearly. 

The first question is about the implementation of functions and records. I know that a record in TLA+ is also a function, but their implementation is different. The function evalAppl(...) of Tool.java has conditions:

case OPCODE_fa:
if ((fval instanceof FcnRcdValue) ||
(fval instanceof FcnLambdaValue)) { ... }
else if ((fval instanceof TupleValue) ||
(fval instanceof RecordValue)) { ... }
If the value of fval is from an _expression_ such as the function application, or f[1] with a function f = [ x \in {1, 2} |-> 1 ] , then fval is an instance of FcnRcdValue. And if the value of fval is from an _expression_ such as the record application, or rcd["f1"] with a record rcd = [ f1 |-> 1, f2 |-> 1 ], then fval is an instance of RecordValue. However, I don't know when fval is an instance of FcnLambdaValue.

The second question is about how TLC evaluates expressions when it can't evaluate all subexpressions. I just ran two "toy" examples 
with TLC:

------------------------------- MODULE FcnSet -------------------------------

EXTENDS Integers


S == { 1, 2 }
FcnSet == [ S -> Int ]

Init == fcn = [ x \in S |-> 0 ]
Next == UNCHANGED fcn

Spec == Init /\ [Next]_fcn

TypeOK == 
    /\ FcnSet = [ S -> Int ]
    /\ fcn \in FcnSet 



------------------------------- MODULE RcdSet -------------------------------

EXTENDS Integers


RcdSet == [ h1 : Int, h2 : Int ]

Init == rcd = [ h1 |-> 0, h2 |-> 0 ]
Next == UNCHANGED rcd

Spec == Init /\ [Next]_rcd

TypeOK2 == 
    /\ RcdSet = [ h1 : Int, h2 : Int ]    
    /\ rcd \in RcdSet


TLC didn't show any error for the first example. However, for the second one, I received the error 

Attempted to enumerate a set of the form [l1 : v1, ..., ln : vn],
but can't enumerate the value of the `h1' field:
While working on the initial state:
rcd = [h1 |-> 0, h2 |-> 0] 

And I don't know why TLC tries to enumerate RcdSet, but not FcnSet. If I remove the _expression_ of RcdSet from TypeOK2, now there is no error. Moreover, if I change the definition of RcdSet to a set of functions from a finite set of strings to integers as following, again no error. I want to ask why TLC needs to change its behavior when evaluating the set of records.

------------------------------ MODULE RcdSet1 ------------------------------

EXTENDS Integers


S == { "h1", "h2" }
RcdSet == [ S -> Int ]

Init == rcd = [ h1 |-> 0, h2 |-> 0 ]
Next == UNCHANGED rcd

Spec == Init /\ [Next]_rcd

TypeOK3 ==     
    /\ RcdSet = [ S -> Int ]
    /\ rcd \in RcdSet


Thank you very much,
Thanh Hai