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How to introduce history variables in a modular/reusable way?

Dear all,

Suppose that I have two modules AJupiter and CJupiter which are two implementations of the Jupiter protocol.

To check a global property of Jupiter, I need to collect states.
To do this, I write another module called AJupiterH which introduces a history variable ("list" in the code below)
to AJupiter by extending it.
Similarly, for CJupiter, I create a new module CJupiterH 
which is exactly the same with AJupiterH except that it extends CJupiter instead of AJupiter.

How can I re-organize these modules, maybe using EXTENDS and/or INSTANCE, 
to eliminate the duplication of AJupiterH and CJupiterH?
In other words, I want to make the way of defining the history variable "list" more reusable.

----------------------------- MODULE AJupiterH -----------------------------
(* AJupiter with a history of all list states across the system.           *)

varsH == <<vars, list>>

TypeOKH == TypeOK /\ (list \subseteq List)
InitH == Init /\ list = {InitState}

DoH(c) == Do(c) /\ list' = list \cup {state'[c]}

RevH(c) == Rev(c) /\ list' = list \cup {state'[c]}

SRevH == SRev /\ list' = list \cup {state'[Server]}
NextH == 
    \/ \E c \in Client: DoH(c) \/ RevH(c)
    \/ SRevH
SpecH == InitH /\ [][NextH]_varsH /\ WF_varsH(NextH)