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Re: Unclear TLC evaluation behavior

Let me amplify Stephan's answer.  The next-state relation

  ~TrySomething => TrySomethingElse

is equivalent to

   TrySomething \/ TrySomethingElse

The latter strikes me and most TLA+ users as the more natural way to
write that next-state relation.  At any rate, that's the way TLC
expects it to be written and it won't handle the first way--unless
TrySomething is a state predicate.

   IF TrySomething THEN success' = TRUE
                   ELSE DoSomethingElse /\ success' = FALSE
is equivalent to

    \/ TrySomething /\ success' = TRUE
    \/ ~TrySomething /\ DoSomethingElse /\ success' = FALSE

which is a rather weird spec.  If TrySomething /\ DoSomethingElse = FALSE,
then it's just an overly complicated way to write

    \/ TrySomething /\ success' = TRUE
    \/ DoSomethingElse /\ success' = FALSE

However, I suspect that what you really want to write is

   IF it's possible to do a TrySomething action
     THEN TrySomething /\ success' = TRUE
     ELSE DoSomethingElse /\ success' = FALSE

You can write this as

   IF ENABLED TrySomething
     THEN TrySomething /\ (success'=TRUE)
     ELSE DoSomethingElse /\ success' = FALSE

and that will work fine.  But you can usually find an _expression_
that's equivalent to `ENABLED TrySomething' and save TLC (and the
reader of the spec) the trouble of evaluating the ENABLED _expression_.
