Sir, I m a beginner in TLA+ and my research area is Formal method .While i m writing a spec in TLA+ , there occurs execution errors. I couldn't rectify those errors pls correct it. I m attaching the spec also in PDF EXTENDS Integers VARIABLES i,pc,j Init == (pc="start") /\ (i=0) /\ (j=2) Pick == \/ /\ pc="start" /\ i' \in 0..1000 /\ j' \in 2..1002 /\ i = IF i>j THEN i ELSE j /\ pc'="middle" Max == \/ /\ pc="middle" /\ i' = IF i > j THEN i ELSE j /\ pc'="done" Next == Pick \/ Max Regards renjith S Dept of CSE Amrita sChool of Engg
Description: Binary data