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Re: [tlaplus] TLC and binary temporal operators

A general way of expressing properties that are not obviously expressible using just [] and <> is to specify a state machine expressing the property, then prove that the algorithm implements that state machine. For your example you could write a module along the following lines.

------  MODULE ProcQueue ------ 
EXTENDS Naturals, Sequences


Init == q = <<>>

Req(self) ==
  /\ ~ \E i \in 1 .. Len(q) : q[i] = self
  /\ q’ = Append(q, self)

Grant(self) ==
  /\ q # <<>>
  /\ Head(q) = self
  /\ q’ = Tail(q)

Spec == Init /\ [][\E self \in ProcSet : Req(self) \/ Grant(self)]_q

In the module that contains the specification of your filter algorithm, you then add

FCFS == INSTANCE ProcQueue WITH q <- …

and ask TLC to check the property FCFS!Spec.

The potentially tricky part is to define the substitution for q that computes the queue of waiting processes from the state of the filter algorithm (this is usually called a “refinement mapping”). The idea is that the queue contains the processes that are “in_filter” but not yet “in_cs”. The Req action of ProcQueue corresponds to a process transition from not_in_filter to in_filter in the implementation (or perhaps the first step in case this requires a sequence of transitions), and the Grant action corresponds to the transition leading to process state cs. Since the high-level state machine is explicitly based on a queue, it is obvious that it ensures an FCFS policy.


On 29 Jul 2015, at 19:29, Tim Nelson <tbne...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'm getting started with TLA+ and TLC, and exercising myself by verifying (or
falsifying!) properties about simple locking algorithms like Peterson and
filter. "First-Come, First-Served" (FCFS) is on the list, and I'd like to
check it in TLC.

My trouble is that FCFS wants the Until temporal operator, which TLA doesn't
include. I can express FCFS using the -+-> operator (where F -+-> G true if G
holds at least one step longer than F) but I then get the error "TLC cannot
handle the temporal formula...". I was using something like this:

FirstComeFirstServed == 
  [](\A self \in ProcSet: \A other \in ProcSet :       
      ((pc[self] = "in_filter" /\
        pc[other] = "not_in_filter") =>
          (pc[other] /= "in_cs" -+-> pc[self] = "in_cs"))) 

What is the preferred way to check a property like FCFS in TLC? More
generally, what should I try first when I come up against something that seems
to need a binary LTL operator?

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