I forgot to remove the element from the set todo, the correct PlusCal snippet should betodo := list;w: while (todo # {}) {with (o \in todo) {todo := todo \ {o};ballots := [ballots EXCEPT ![o] = ...]}}Stephan
On Friday, October 5, 2018 at 9:09:19 AM UTC+2, Stephan Merz wrote:Hi,sorry for the late reply. If you want to modify your array non-atomically, you can write something like the following:variable todo = {}; \* add an auxiliary variable to your variable declarationstodo := list;w: while (todo # {}) {with (o \in todo) {ballots := [ballots EXCEPT ![o] = ...]}}Hope this helps,StephanOn 29 Sep 2018, at 15:04, Balaji Arun <ba2...@xxxxxx> wrote:I see. I want the change to be an atomic action, so I will keep what I have. Thank you!But, just to understand, how could I split this up in PlusCal and keep it non-atomic?btw, the ballots is a function of a function. I am trying to update an array element within an array.
On Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 8:29:03 AM UTC-4, Balaji Arun wrote:Hi,I am trying to perform the following operation in PlusCal
\* list = {o1, o2}
ballots' = [obj \in Objects |->
IF obj \in list
THEN [ballots[o] EXCEPT ![a] = obal]
ELSE ballots[obj]]
ballots is a function, and I only want to modify part of the function indicated by the list set.In programming, I can accomplish with a for loop, but PlusCal doesn't have one.Any ideas?--
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