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why need /\ item' = item?

------------------------------ MODULE recycler ------------------------------
EXTENDS Sequences, Integers, TLC, FiniteSets

VARIABLES capacity, bins, count, item, items, curr, pc

vars == << capacity, bins, count, item, items, curr, pc >>

Init == (* Global variables *)
        /\ capacity \in [trash: 1..10, recycle: 1..10]
        /\ bins = [trash |-> <<>>, recycle |-> <<>>]
        /\ count = [trash |-> 0, recycle |-> 0]
        /\ item = [type: {"trash", "recycle"}, size: 1..6]
        /\ items \in item \X item \X item \X item
        /\ curr = ""
        /\ pc = "Lbl_1"

Lbl_1 == /\ pc = "Lbl_1"
         /\ IF items /= <<>>
               THEN /\ curr' = Head(items)
                    /\ items' = Tail(items)
                    /\ IF curr'.type = "recycle" /\ curr'.size < capacity.recycle
                          THEN /\ bins' = [bins EXCEPT !["recycle"] = Append(bins["recycle"], curr')]
                               /\ capacity' = [capacity EXCEPT !["recycle"] = capacity["recycle"] - curr'.size]
                               /\ count' = [count EXCEPT !["recycle"] = count["recycle"] + 1]
                          ELSE /\ IF curr'.size < capacity.trash
                                     THEN /\ bins' = [bins EXCEPT !["trash"] = Append(bins["trash"], curr')]
                                          /\ capacity' = [capacity EXCEPT !["trash"] = capacity["trash"] - curr'.size]
                                          /\ count' = [count EXCEPT !["trash"] = count["trash"] + 1]
                                     ELSE /\ TRUE
                                          /\ UNCHANGED << capacity, bins, 
                                                          count >>
                    /\ pc' = "Lbl_1"
               ELSE /\ Assert(capacity.trash >= 0 /\ capacity.recycle >= 0, 
                              "Failure of assertion at line 29, column 6.")
                    /\ Assert(Len(bins.trash) = count.trash, 
                              "Failure of assertion at line 30, column 6.")
                    /\ Assert(Len(bins.recycle) = count.recycle, 
                              "Failure of assertion at line 31, column 6.")
                    /\ pc' = "Done"
                    /\ UNCHANGED << capacity, bins, count, items, curr >>
         /\ item' = item  (* why need this ? *)

Next == Lbl_1
           \/ (* Disjunct to prevent deadlock on termination *)
              (pc = "Done" /\ UNCHANGED vars)

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars

Termination == <>(pc = "Done")

