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"As long as, eventually"
I have a question regarding a temporal formula. Let's assume I have the following Spec:
Foo_1 ==
Objects' = Objects \cup {"a"}
Foo_2 ==
Objects' = Objects \ {"a"}
Bar_1 ==
/\ "a" \in Objects
/\ Objects' = Objects \cup {"b"}
Bar_2 ==
/\ "a" \in Objects
/\ Objects' = Objects \cup {"b"}
Init ==
Objects = {}
Next ==
\/ Foo_1
\/ Foo_2
\/ Bar_1
\/ Bar_2
\/ UNCHANGED Objects
Spec == /\ Init /\ [][Next]_<< Objects >> /\ WF_<< Objects >>(Bar_1)
- Foo_1 adds "a" to Objects
- Foo_2 removes "a" from Objects
- Bar_1 adds "b" to Objects if "a" is in Objects
- Bar_2 removes "b" from Objects if "a" is not in Objects
For each behavior Objects could be {}, {"a"}, {"a", "b"}, {"b"}
I would like to use a temporal formula to document the behavior:
<>[]("a" \in Objects) => <>[]("b" \in Objects)
In words:
"Given that Bar_1 is weakly fair, If eventually "a" is continuously in Objects then eventually "b" is continuously in Objects"
My Questions:
- Is this temporal formula actually expressing what I put in words
- Does that make sense at all? Or is it more of a tautology (in logic and rhetoric)?
Thanks, Dominik