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[tlaplus] Dedalus versus TLA+


Can you help with a dedalus versus tla+ comparison and any comment on the following: (from this paper https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3639257):

Section 6.3
We chose the Dedalus temporal logic language because it was both amenable to our optimization goals and we knew we could compile it to high-performance machine code via Hydroflow. Temporal logics have also been used for verification of protocols—most notably Lamport’s TLA+ language [44], which has been adopted in applied settings [50]. TLA+ did not suit our needs for a number of reasons. Most notably, efficient code generation is not a goal of the TLA+ toolchain. Second, an optimizer needs lightweight checks for properties (FDs, monotonicity) in the inner loop of optimization; TLA+ is ill-suited to that case. Finally, TLA+ was designed as a finite model checker: it provides evidence of correctness (up to 𝑘 steps of execution) but no proofs. There are efforts to build symbolic checkers for TLA+ [42], but again these do not seem well-suited to our lightweight setting.

Many thanks.

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