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Re: [tlaplus] How does TLC know which action is the Init action?

TLC parses the temporal formula, Init is a state predicate and Next is the [1] action that appears within the sub formula [][A]_v.


[1] Although in TLA+ it is OK to write specifications that contain more complex formulas, such as [][A]_v /\ [][B]_w, TLC only accepts temporal formulas that contain a single sub-formula of that form.

On 23 Oct 2023, at 11:09, jayaprabhakar k <jayaprabhakar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

In TLC we can specify the behavioral spec as a temporal formula spec, and that is typically defined as

Spec === Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ WF_vars(Next)

In this case,
  • How does TLC know Init is the init function? And more specifically, how does it know Init must happen before any Next operation occurs?
  • Is it by the order in which they are defined or by convention like if the name is Init etc?


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