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[tlaplus] TLAPS Homebrew formula (for aarch64 MacOS)

I have my own Homebrew tap where I host packages I use frequently but aren't available in Homebrew core:


Recently I added TLAPS. On aarch64 MacOS you can run

  brew tap calvin-l/tap
  brew install tlaps

and you'll be off to the races.

Be aware that this is worse than the official binaries in some ways:
  1. I package different versions of the backends, so some proofs made with an official release might not check, or vice-versa. (I don't know how often this happens, but I'm hoping it's very rare.)
  2. The install takes a while since Homebrew needs to compile TLAPS and its dependencies. (I don't have binary releases to share.)
But, it is also better than the official binaries in some ways:
  1. Native aarch64 means there is no dependency on Rosetta.
  2. If you have brew-installed SMT solvers like Z3, this formula will re-use those instead of shipping you new binaries, possibly saving you some disk space.
  3. Homebrew keeps its files relatively isolated, so you can uninstall and upgrade very easily.

I hope it's useful to some of you!


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