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Re: [tlaplus] embed PlusCal and TLA+ specs in latex papers

Thanks very much for the info. There is no mention of pcal in the -info documents. I use the following but get nothing:
$ java tla2tex.TeX -info |grep "pcal"
Also, when I use \begin{pcal} \end{pcal}, no tlatex environment is generated. But if I use tla environment, it did generate.

On Sunday, June 2, 2013 12:26:22 PM UTC-5, Leslie Lamport wrote:
Could you explain what you mean by "doing PlusCal"?  Are the instructions you get by running "tla2tex.TeX -info" unclear?  (Note the instructions at the beginning to use a pcal or ppcal environment for PlusCal code and a tla environment for plain TLA+.)  What may not be clear is that in the pcal environment, you put PlusCal code, not a comment containing PlusCal code.

If you need to know how to use PlusCal,  the PlusCal manual is on the PlusCal web page.

On Sun, Jun 2, 2013 at 6:56 AM, Hai Zhou <hai...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Leslie: Thanks for the quick reply. I got the tool and started to use it. However, it is not clear how to do PlusCal. Could you explain a bit?

On Sunday, June 2, 2013 4:10:40 AM UTC-5, Leslie Lamport wrote:

You will have to download the stand-alone tools (http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/lamport/tla/tools.html) and run the tla2tex.TeX Java program (which is not mentioned on the Web page, but probably should be).  Run it with the –info option to get the documentation.



On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 8:43 PM, Hai Zhou <hai...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I would like to embed PlusCal algorithms and TLA+ specs in my paper in latex.
What is the style file I need to use for that, and where can I find it?

Thanks very much.

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